Chapter 18 - Dabi's POV

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im back soz for doing these updates so late in the day y'all but yehhhhhh


“I knew we should have just gone straight to the dorms,” Hawks says tiredly.

“Whatever, let's just get over there and eat something.” Of course I'm thinking about food.

Instead of going through the front gate, we slink around the side of the building.

“The gates are over there, why are we going this way?” Hawks asks.

“Because,” I say, “We're going to jump.”

I lift Hawks up unexpectedly over my shoulder and he squirms about a bit, then I use my fire to my blast ourselves upwards, easily passing over the high wall and getting outside of U.A. premises.

I land in a superhero stance, and raise my free hand to slap Hawks's ass again.

“Don't. You. Dare.”

What? How'd he know? “Yeah, whatever.”

He slides off and we run quietly over to the dorms building.

“How do we get in? Dabi?” Hawks is left behind as I waltz straight up to the front door, ready to burn through it.

“Dabi! Stop! You can't just blast your way through everything.”

“What? But I like blasting…”

“Follow me instead, I know exactly which room Tokoyami sleeps in.”

“You actual nonce.”

“Shut the hell up, he's my student. I wouldn't try anything on him. And I don't push people into doing things they're not ready for, unlike some people around here.”

I look away, pretending to be interested in a nearby tree by the wall.

“Just come on.”

We walk around the large building until the windows are more neatly aligned, meaning bedrooms.

“It's that one,” Hawks points to a high window with tightly drawn purple curtains.

“Purple? Come on, blue's way better.”

Hawks gives me one of his “dead looks” and I quickly shut up.

“Can get me up there?”

“I can get you up my ass.”

“Stop it,” he snaps.


I crouch so that he can stand on my shoulders, then I stand up and he does this little flying-jump thing and hangs onto a window ledge.
Then he does it again and again…until jumping into the tree I was looking at before.

“What are you doing?” I hiss.

“Just trying something…” He edges further back on the branch towards the trunk. Is he gonna dash forward and leap into the bedroom? What kind of plan is that? The window isn't even open.

“Look, if you fall down from there I'm not-”


“Oh shit-” I look up to see Hawks falling with his arms and legs waving about in the air and he lands right in my arms.
“Looks like you fell for me, pretty boy.”

Hawks looks pained. “Can you stop with the stupid comments?!” It's a command more than a question.

I reluctantly let go of him and he tries going up again, slowly but surely scaling up the side of the wall (he doesn't jump into the tree this time). Clever. I don't have anyone to hoist me up so I grab one of the chairs I saw on the porch before and use that to jump to the first window, soon catching up to Hawks who is trying to wedge the window open with with a feather. It makes a crack noise and then squeaks as Hawks swings it wide open, allowing him to fully climb inside. He seriously just gonna go in just like that? Wow, he's closer with this boy than I thought.

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