Chapter 14 - Dabi's POV

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we meet again


Even though I'm trying to block out the sounds of the people outside, I can hear multiple people talking rapidly and urgently, one of them says Hawks's name.


“Hey, you!” I say to the guards at the door,
“What's going on with Hawks?” They don't answer me.

“HEY!” I strain at the chains holding me back.

To my relief, they unlock the door and unchain me, but I'm too distracted with asking them to realise this.

“Tell me what's happened to Hawks.”

“You'll see when you get there,” one man says, putting thick gloves on my hands while the other man handcuffs my wrists. He handcuffs my legs too (yes, the ones on my ankles are bigger so that I can actually fucking walk but not run away).

Anyway, one man goes in front, one man goes behind and for once in my life I don't try anything dumb.

They lead me through a ton of corridors before finally getting to a large white room with rows of beds.

“Sit,” one man orders, pointing at the seat on an end bed. I do as he says.

“Hawks will be with you shortly.”

I can't believe my ears.
“Really?” He doesn't even need to answer, at that moment there's a bustle and several people squeeze themselves through the small doorway with a bed on wheels.
And who is on the bed?


I stand up to go to him but one of the men with me places a hand on my thigh (what a weirdo) motioning for me to sit back down.

Hawks is then laid on the bed next to me and everyone immediately fusses, bandaging his head up even further and asking him questions, like:
“Am I blurry?” and “Is your head hurting right now?” and all the basic yada yada doctor stuff.

Before they bandage him up though, I see there's a huge gash on his forehead and wisps of his hair is red with the blood.

“Is he alright?” I ask cautiously.

The doctor that answers is nice but wary of me whenever I make a move. Sometimes I forget I'm a villan, you know.

“Yep, he'll be just fine soon. Then you can have a little chat to him and maybe calm him down,” he says.

I get to have a private conversation with Hawks? After all this time?
What even is the point of this anyway.
I understand why they locked me up, but not him. He's still a hero isn't he?

Hawks is breathing heavily and lying very still and the doctors check his heart to make sure he isn't having a stroke or anything.
Thankfully, he isn't.

“We'll leave you alone now.” And everyone piles out. It's very quiet all of a sudden.

“Hawks?” I ask.

“Hey, Dabi,” he looks up at me with big sorry amber eyes.

“You fucking scared me, I thought you were dying.”

“I think I was having a panic attack.”

“What? Why?”

“I don't know…it's never happened before.
I just…” He looks up at the ceiling now, “Went insane, apparently.”

I stare at him, deep in thought.
“Did you make that big cut on your head yourself?”

“I…think so.”

I raise my arms to hug him, then remember I'd just strangle him because of the handcuffs, so I give his head a gentle pat instead.
He turns his to me, nervously laughing for what my reaction will be for what he's about to say.

“Mirko said they chained you up.”

“What? Well yeah…why's that funny? Huh?”
I become a bit aggressive because that was not one of my proudest moments.

“I dunno, it's kinky.”

“Oh, you like that? You dirty little…”

“You were just too mad,” Hawks is laughing properly now, “Too hot-headed, too angry. Like…a lion. I like that about you.”

“Do lions eat chicken?”


“So you want me to eat you up?” I smirk seductively, “Oh yeah, I could chew on you all day. Bet you taste delicious.”

Hawks's cheeks rapidly turns red and he pulls the blanket over his head to cover it.
“Dabi! Not here! I'd die on the spot if someone else noticed I was…excited. Especially Endeavour.”

“So you admit it. I turn you on?”

“What? No!”

“Hey, what if they're listening to our “private” conversation right now? They'll have heard everything we said.”

Hawks groans loudly and covers himself more under the covers.

“Don't be having all the fun without me,” I say.
I jump into the bed so that we're laying together, and Hawks squeals.

“What are you doing? Get out!” He tries pushing me but fails.

“Stop, it's annoying.” He doesn't and continues trying to push me out of the bed, so in one swift move I reach down and cup his member.

“Oh fuck-” he moans.

Hawks covers his mouth with his hand, clearly surprised and embarrassed at the noise he just made.

“Am I interrupting something?”



erm 820 words btw loads of crazy stuff is gonna happen next chapter 👀

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