Chapter 11 - Hawks POV

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ok THIS is the messed up chapter


“We need to get out of here now.”

“You don't say,” I turn to Dabi, “So where do we go?”

“I don't know! Back to your house?”

From the corner of my eye I see Endeavour has escaped the fans and is now getting closer to us.

“Shit, shit, shit! Ok you know what let's just run for now.”

We sprint back the way we we came, back through the dirty lanes and dodgy alleyways.

All this time Endeavor-san keeps up with us. He looks a complete idiot, this giant bulky man running after us without even asking for assistance. Does he need it though?

“Oh crap. Ohhh crap.” I hear Dabi panting heavily beside me, running slower, and then eventually stopping.

“Dabi?! Come on! Endeavor-san is gonna be with us any second!”

“B-but I can't run anymore. I…really…can't.” And before he collapses on the ground I catch him. Damn it! Endeavor-san is getting closer by the second. What do I do?

“Ok, just hang on.” I put my arms around Dabi's waist and push myself off the ground and suddenly we're above the two buildings on either side of the small road we were in.

“Hawks. Dabi. I command you to stop!”
Endeavor-san shouts, “What you are doing is against the law!”

“I don't care!” I shout back, hoping he can hear me. I can hardly see him, it's getting so dark. I don't know what the time is.

“I didn't want it to have to come to this.” Through the darkness, I see a giant ball of orange come our way and Dabi yelps in pain below me.

“That fucking pile of flaming trash just burned my leg!”

“Well can't you just, you know, burn him back?”

“Oh I will,” he says maliciously. Dabi moves around a bit uncomfortably in my grasp before asking, “Can I get on top of of your back?”

I land of top of a low building and he climbs on. Then we're off again, looking for Endeavor-san.

“There he is!” Dabi yells, standing up unsteadily on my back.

“Are you sure you're not going to fall off?” I say uneasily, the way he's standing his making it harder to fly as well. Dabi just waves his hand dismissively before aiming.

“Target sighted…and shoot!” He sends a great big fireball in Endeavor-san's direction, who dodges it. Endeavor-san sends one back but Dabi dodges it too, almost falling over.

“HEY ENDEAWHORE, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!” Dabi yells. Endeavour-san grits his teeth at the nickname but retreats.

“Whoooooooooooo! One-nil to us!” says Dabi brightly. 

“You idiot,” I land with bent knees on the nearest building with a flat roof.

“You know he's going to get help, don't you?”

“Of course I kno-”

“Shh,” I put a hand up and he stops, “Do you hear that?”

We both stop to listen. It's a very low whirring noise that suddenly becomes defeaning as it gets closer to us.

“Uh oh,” I say, as a blinding white light is shone in our direction.

“Hawks, Dabi, we have you surrounded, please put your hands in the air and do not attempt any sudden movements,” booms a voice.

We both do as it asks, but Dabi whispers to me,
“Come on, we can't be surrounded already. The police force isn't that fast.”

He takes one step to the side just as bullet flies by his face, cutting off a piece of his hair.
He flinches, “Ok, maybe they are.”

“Move, and you will be shot. Empty your pockets and put down any weapons you may be carrying,” booms the voice again.

“Hey Hawks, did you bring your phone with you?” Dabi whispers again.

“Of course.”

“And did you delete that photo of me when I was stuck under the bed?”

“Oh. I'm sorry but erm…no.”

Dabi grimaces in shame.
“You idiot!” He hisses, “All my pride gone in that one photo!”

“Just…shut up, I don't think they'll go through my phone anyway,” I say as I take things one by one out of my pockets, slowly and carefully.

“Don't actually listen to them! We've got to get out of here.”

“Don't be an idiot, Dabi, one wrong move and we'll be in hospital or even dead.”

“You're just a cowardly chicken.”

I freeze.

“I. Am. Not. A chicken, Dabi.”

It's like it happens on it's own: a large feather shoots up and dislodges the helicopters fan, then the rest of my feathers harden while I cover me and Dabi with my wings from the bullets. When I hear everyone replacing their cartidges I push off the ground - Dabi hanging onto my leg - and I speed off. Feathers go everywhere.

“Backup! Someone fetch for backup!” Yells the voice, now panicking.

“Let's escape while they're distracted!” I say to Dabi.

I look back for a second, but that second is long enough for me to see a face I recognize jump out from the helicopter.
A face I used to adore, but now find haunting.

“Endeavor? Again?? How'd he even get in that helicopter that fast?” Dabi sounds amused, even though he's dangling and could easily fall and break a few bones. “Bring it on! I know I didn't finish you off last time.”

Endeavour-san certainly does “bring it on”, he shoots a wave of fire that hits me and scorches my wings, leaving me with only a few feathers.

“YOW! Shit, that hurts!” I exclaim, not realizing that we are loosing height fast.

I yell as I wave my arms frantically, stupidly hoping that somehow I'll fly up again.

“Hawks, watch where the fuck you're going!”

Dabi's grip on my leg loosens as we tumble to the ground, me hitting my head hard.

“Dabi…” I mumble. Though my vision is blurry, I can see him struggling with some police officers and calling my name before shrieking as they stab his neck with a needle.

The last thing I see before I pass out it Endeavour-san, standing above me with a face as hard as stone.


bet ya weren't expecting that. PLOT TWIST EHEHHEHEHEH
1,006 words

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