Chapter 15 - Hawks POV

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yo I hope you've liked reading my story so far and yea new chapter here you go


While I was distracted Dabi reached down and…grabbed my fucking dick, and I didn't mean to -
But I moaned.

I put my hand over my mouth and my cheeks heat up so much it feels like they're burning.

“Am I interrupting something?” Someone asks.

Kill me now.

I quickly kick Dabi off the bed, ‘accidently’ kicking his balls in the process, and I smile at the woman at the door while Dabi quietly whispers “Do I ever get a break?” and winces.

“Nope, nothing at all.”

She raises an eyebrow, “Ok then, please follow me. If you are unable to walk Hawks, I can get the doctors to wheel you out.”

I swing myself out of the bed, “Yeah, I can walk.”

Dabi ignores and slaps my hand helping him to get up because he can hardly even stand straight.

“Hmph,” he grumbles.

We follow the short woman outside and into the long corridors. She's dressed in typical business clothes and is holding a clipboard.

“Hey,” Dabi whispers over her head to me, “Let's take her down, she's only little.”

She must have heard him because we find ourselves suddenly immobile, frozen in place. I can't wiggle my fingers or even blink.

“I may be small, but I have a great quirk to stop  people who try to assault me,” she says, “Come.”

She releases her quirk's hold on us and me and Dabi are shown into a smaller room this time, there's a table with a glass window and a speaker; Endeavour is sitting on the other side of it with a table of his own, looking grave.

“The hell is this now, huh?” Dabi asks fiercely as we are locked inside. I sit down. He doesn't.

“We have come to a decision…” Endeavour starts, but Dabi interrupts him.

“Who the hell is ‘we’?”

“The Commission and I-”

“Hold on,” I slam my fist onto the table, “What say do you have in all this? The Commission owns me, not you!”

“That's not the point here Hawks. Now, you can choose to cooperate and we can settle this reasonably, or you can face the consequences.
As I was saying, Dabi will continue to stay in confinement here unless he tells us everything he knows about the L.O.V, and Hawks will be put into incarceration. In order words, house arrest.”

“How long for?” I ask.

“One year.”

That's not that bad, I was expecting longer.
Dabi thinks otherwise.

“One year? One whole fucking year?”

“That's right.”

Dabi paces back and forth, running a hand through his hair. I notice he's sweating.

“You've got to be kidding me.”

He stops, sighs, closes his eyes, and opens them again.

“FUCK!” He's now scrabbling at the gloves he's wearing, but the handcuffs are stopping him from taking them off. The guards outside see this too and quickly begin unlocking the door to stop him.

“Hawks - help me!” I stare at him. Assisting a villan? It's not like I haven't done it before, but it feels different doing it in front of everyone.
“You're part of the League too now, aren't you?!”

He has a point. I stand up, knocking the chair I was previously sitting on over, and pluck one of the few feathers from my back. I harden it and pick at the lock - it takes only a few seconds for the handcuffs to give way. Dabi immediately tears off the fireproof gloves and shoots a wave of fire at the guards coming into the room.

Their ashes float slowly to the floor.

“I'm bustin outta here if it's the last thing I DO!”
Dabi yells while blasting the glass window.
It melts in mere seconds and he steps through the new hole and into the next room. More men troop in at all the noise and try to stop Dabi but he's on a roll now. He burns them all, removing their existence from the world.

Endeavour-san is knocked over by Dabi and he stands with one foot on his chest, towering above him and looking insane.
His eyebrows raised high and his face is twisted in a sadistic grin that strain on his staples.

“How does it feel to lose, father?!”

Dabi has officially gone mad.

He brings down his hot, flaming hand and Endeavour-san's face is suddenly enveloped in blue fire.

I should stop Dabi, I know I should, but I also know he won't listen, so I stand still and watch as Endeavor-san tries to protect himself from the blast by putting his own arms in front of his face, partly shielding him.

The fire still got him though,
and it was still a gory sight.
A sight I will never forget.

When he's done, Dabi hoists me up over his shoulder (I'm surprised at this hidden strength) and dashes out of the room.

“…Touya?” I don't understand what he means, but that's the last thing I hear Endeavour-san say before his words get swallowed up in the shouts and screams being caused by Dabi who is burning everyone and everything in his way.

The main entrance is covered with police who are armed with guns and Dabi burns his way through them all, practically on a rampage.
We stop at the door though, because Dabi might assassinate a whole army of police but he still has the dignity to open a door like a normal human being.

“It's locked,” He searches around for a key and snatches one off a policeman's belt. The door opens with a click and Dabi pokes his head outside to see if the coast is clear even though it's a fucking glass door.
Such irony.

From my position I notice that the entrance is on the side of a mountain, which must mean the whole facility is underground.
We're also standing on a little ledge which has been turned into a road.

“We're outside, you can put me down now.”

“No,” Dabi slaps my ass.  “I like the chunky ones,” he goes.

“Dabi!” I say furiously, hitting my fist on his back, “Put me down now!”

He laughs, “You get embarrassed so easily, Hawks. By the way, your ass is really nice.”

“J-just shut up! Stop being so calm! You literally killed almost everyone in that facility.”

“Killing is something I'm used to doing by now, and I'm not calm - I'm panicking as well. Just internally.”

I've got to say, Dabi is an expert at hiding his feelings, which reminds me…
“Hey, why did you call Endeavour-san ‘father’? I mean, is he actually your Dad or were you just being crazy in the moment?”

Dabi looks up, “I said that?”

“Yes. He called you Touya. Is that…is that your…?” I leave the sentence hanging waiting for Dabi to finish it, but he doesn't answer.
Instead he thrusts his hands in his pockets and kicks a pebble on the ground, not making eye contact.

“Hey, look at me. Don't pretend you didn't hear.”

“…I'll tell you another time. It's a very long and complicated story and I don't want to get into that right now, alright?”

I sigh at his stubbornness, deciding not to continue the subject and talk about now.

“Where do we go now then?”

Dabi looks thoughtful for a few moments.


1,217 words sjdkajjs this chapter was just crazy

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