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"Come on Lili let's go slide down the slide together!" She said dragging me by my arm and leading me to the slide. "But this time make sure you wrap your arms around me, like what couples do!" The mystery girl said while turning to face me, smiling

"Your hair bothers me when I do that and we're not a couple," I said bluntly as she continued dragging me to the slide

"You're so mean Lili! It's a good thing I love you, so I forgive you for being a meany's head, especially since you will be married to me, someday"

I pulled my arm away, "I don't love you and I don't know if I would marry you. I'm only 7"

She put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes, "I said someday you will. Now pretty please go down the slide with me?" She asked with begging hands and giving me puppy dog eyes, which she knows I hate, but for some reason, I always give in

"Okay, if it gets you to stop making me go down the slide, I will" she smiled brightly exposing some of her missing teeth, "Yay! I knew you would say it because you love me!"

"Lisa? Did you even hear a word I said to you?" I lifted my head off the car window and saw my mom looking at me. I guess I zoned out again

"This is the last time I'm repeating myself!" She said rubbing her eyes, she was mad. "I said tonight your father and I will be going out and we won't be home until later. So I went ahead and left food in the fridge you can warm up because God knows you can't cook" that's true

I turned to look back out my window as we came to a stop in front of my high school, Seoul High. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door to get out of the vehicle

"Have a good day today and try smiling for once or just practice it?" My mom said with raised brows

I don't see why she tells me to smile? She knows I've given up. I turned and looked at my mom, "I am smiling. See" I know I'm not smiling because I never do and never will

She just looked at me, "Uhh...yes, you are and you look beautiful" she smiled and waved, "I have to go I love you!" Love what a strange word?

"I love you too," I told her then shut the door. I can't feel or understand the concept of love very well, but as I grew up it's become a habit for me to tell my parents those three words

I listened as my mom's car disappeared and continued standing in my spot for a while staring at my school

I hate this place

I took a deep breath then exhaled and began my walk to my locker inside the building. On my way, I couldn't help but think about what my mom told me. Try smiling. I messed with my face a bit until I felt like I was smiling. I think I did it

I got to my locker, opened the door, and looked at myself in the mini mirror I had hanging up on the inside. Of course. Nothing. I'm not surprised. I continued standing there, looking at my face and saw the same empty-eyed, blank emotionless face staring at me. Why did I even try today?

I grabbed my art books, pen, and pencils and began walking to my class. For one second it would be nice to feel what other people feel. Or at least understand it better

What most people don't know about me is that I suffer from a disorder, called schizoid personality disorder. To make it short it pretty much causes me to not express or show emotions like most people, so to work around it I learned to say whatever is on my mind, no matter how rude or blunt it is

I've had this disorder since I was very little, about 7 years old. The doctors said there was no cure for my disorder, which upset my parents, but it didn't bother me any. They tried helping me themselves, by taking me to different therapists or teaching me how to show emotions themselves, but soon gave up and just accepted my disorder. So now because of it and growing up, for 10 years with it, I soon became the weirdo in this school. Everyone treats me like a disease, but I could care less, Literally. I didn't feel the need to tell anyone, because it wasn't their business

There was also another thing, I learned, that helps me express my emotions. That one thing was art, which is the class I'm heading to right now

I entered my class, barely beating the bell, and walked straight to my easel. I put my things down and grabbed my pencil and paintbrush and started painting, not even paying attention or caring what my teacher was telling us. At first, I didn't know what I was drawing that is until I was finished

My teacher, who goes by Mr. Tag, always complimented my work. It's annoying because he keeps me standing there while he rambles on about things I don't care about. I always have to bite my tongue to make sure I don't say anything rude

Once he was done praising me, he allowed me to be excused for the rest of the class, causing snide remarks and papers to be thrown at me by other students. I'm guessing they're mad, but not my problem

Mr. Tag started getting onto them as I walked out of the classroom. I can finally be alone now, I thought as I headed to the school's rooftop

I walked up the school's stairs, which is pretty tiring to walk up, but once I was in front of the metal door, I knew I could finally be by myself. I opened the heavy door and began walking to the edge of the roof and sat down and just stared at the view. I think I'm happy right now or I could be mad? Sometimes I get those two emotions mixed up somehow

I stayed sitting there for quite some time, but my peaceful time was cut when I heard the bell ring meaning it was time for me to leave for my next class. I stood up, dusted myself off, and grabbed my books

I was fixing to turn and leave, but when I looked up. I noticed a familiar figure with gray flowing hair in the distance, but that was all I could see since the figure quickly vanished as fast as it appeared for me to get a better look. I decided to forget about it and just continue the rest of my day

I turned and headed back inside. As I was slowly making my way downstairs to my next class, I heard a familiar voice. "Where do you think you're going?"

I turned around and saw the school bully. Of course, I had to run into him. "What do you want Michael? I have class in five minutes, so make this quick" I snapped at him

He scrunched up his face, I think he's happy, he then started stomping my way, nope he's mad

Once he was in front of me, he grabbed my collar and held me up against the wall, "You better watch how you're talking to me, or else" he's too close

"Your breath stinks," I said bluntly. He lifted his arm, pulled it back then punched me in the stomach a couple of times, still holding me by the collar, he breathed his nasty breath in my face and dropped me to the ground, and started walking away

"Next time it'll be worse!" He yelled

How come when this happens there's no one around or hears what's happening? This school sucks

I slowly got up and grabbed my things and began making my way to class again. Physically I looked like I was fine and unphased, but mentally I was in pain about being punched or just upset about being late for class. I think it was both

Why does high school have much pain? I thought while walking to class. Now I have to explain why I was late and I hate doing that

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