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We parked the car where Steven couldn't see us and once we got out we heard a gunshot. Tears immediately began rolling down my face

"LISA!" I yelled as I began running towards the gunshot

I felt a hand stop me and when I turned to see who it was I was met with a teary-eyed Chaeyoung, but she quickly wiped the way

"Let go!" I yelled

"Calm down first, please. We need to think this through first. For all, we know Lisa could still be alive!" Chaeyoung said still holding me and trying to calm me down

"Yeah Chaeyoung's right. Just calm down" Jisoo said trying to help Chaeyoung

I couldn't believe what they were saying. Calm down?! Really?! The love of my life just got shot!

"No, I can't and won't calm down!" I yelled. "Lisa is probably hurt right now and I won't stand by and wait for help to get here!" I then yanked my arm out of Chaeyoung's grip and began running to the gunshot

"Lisa is all I have!...I-I can't be without her!" I yelled while crying out loud

"Jennie please wait!" Chaeyoung yelled back

I ignored them as I continued running down the gravel road, but stopped once I got to Steven's car. I ducked down and hid by it and peaked my head around to see if he was still there and he was

He was holding his head and pacing back and forth in his spot mumbling to himself

I then looked down and saw Lisa laying there bleeding from her stomach. I wanted to fall to my knees and cry, but I didn't. I had to make sure Steven got what he deserved first

I slowly got up and started quietly making my way to him. I was almost close to him but ended up tripping causing him to look my way

Of course!

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't Jennie" he said while he stopped pacing back and forth to look at me

"Came here for your little friend I see but you failed horribly because she's dead!" He snapped

"Now get up!"

I slowly got up to my feet and stood in front of him

He slowly walked over to me and touched my face then stepped back and held the gun at me

"You know it's a shame that I'm going to have to kill you now. Gosh you made me so hard" he smiled

"Even thinking about our makeout sessions makes me horny" he continued. I can't believe I kissed him

I was stupid

I looked at him with a disgusted face, "You're sick!" I spat out

His smile fell, "No I'm not! Now die!" He pulled the trigger but ended up grazing me in the arm because someone jumped on him. It was Lisa

I was going to go run and help her but she told me to stop

"No Jennieyah stay away! I can handle this!" She yelled

She continued wrestling with Steven who shot the gun a couple more times but stopped when he hit the side of the bridge causing him to drop it

Steven then reached behind him and pulled Lisa around in front of him holding her neck from behind

He began choking her. I started walking their way again, but she held out her hand telling me to stop

She then took a big step back causing Steven to let go and fall over the bridge but he grabbed onto Lisa causing her to fall over too

I ran to the side of the bridge and watched as they fell into the water disappearing


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