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I kept telling Jennie to stay back not because I didn't want her help, but because she was always there to protect me so I'm gonna do the same

I took one good step back and knocked Steven over the edge, but he grabbed me making me fall into the water with him


Just like last time, it took a while to hit the water and when I did it sucked

I just sank into the water until I stopped. Once I did I began swimming to the top. When I got to the surface gasping for air, I began looking around and didn't see any sign of Steven


I slowly swam to shore and once I got to land I laid on my back breathing heavily, but winced in pain and grabbed the side of my stomach that was bleeding

"LISA!" A voice yelled

When I opened my eyes to see who it was I was met with a hand coming towards my face but I moved barely dodging it

Steven grabbed his hand and winced in pain. He then looked at me and slung his body towards me to get ahold of me but I kept moving

I couldn't do it long since my side was killing me. Steven took that advantage and quickly jumped on top of me and began choking me

"If you won't die from a gunshot. I guess I'll just kill you with my own two hands, while I watch the life leave your eyes"

I tried hitting him and scratching him to get him off me, but I was too weak

I dropped my arms down to my side as I looked into Steven's eyes, which were watching mine

I guess I'll die knowing my eyes aren't empty

Steven's grip got tighter as he kept choking me, but then it loosened. I looked at his face and noticed his eyes closing then all together his body fell to the left side of me

I laid there not moving, but then saw Jennie leaning over me

"Lisa are you okay?!" She asked while crying

"Are you dumb? I was just shot and being choked to death"

Jennie smiled softly and sat me up a bit, "I'm gonna take that as a yes then"

I weakly smiled at her, but stopped once I saw her arm that was bleeding, "Don't worry I'm okay too" She said turning my face to look at hers

"You know you almost scared me back there! I saw you laying on the ground not moving!" She shouted as she began tearing up

"I don't know what I would've done if you died!"

I held her cheeks, "When I heard you talking to Steven. I knew I had to do something to stop Steven from shooting you because without you I would be lost" I said

It's true. Jennie the light in me. I sound so cheesy


Jennie smiled the biggest smile, "I love you so much!" She said leaning down to kiss me

I returned the kiss and looked at her in the eyes and smiled softly, "I love you too"

Jennie's smile got even bigger after I said those words

She squealed and jumped up causing me to hit my head on the ground


She turned to me and kneeled back down lifting me again, "I'm sorry" I just sighed

"Jennie! Are you and Lisa okay?!"

We both turned to our right and saw Chaeyoung and Jisoo making their way down the hill towards us

They made their way to us and stopped, "Don't worry I called the police before you took off running. They're on their way with an ambulance" Jisoo said. "So what're we gonna do about him?"

We turned and looked at Steven who was passed out or more like knocked out because Jennie hit him with something hard. Probably a rock

"Don't worry guys I have this under control" Chaeyoung got up and walked over to Steven's body. She rolled him on his stomach then pulled out handcuffs from her pocket, then proceeded to cuff him

"I'm not even going to ask where you got those" Jisoo sighed

Chaeyoung smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "Suit yourself"

It wasn't long before help arrived. The police came down and helped us back to the top then they proceeded to put Steven in the back of the cop car

Jennie and I were immediately helped and carried to the back of an ambulance where they took us to the hospital

There, they treated our wounds and gave us medicine for the pain

"You know you're pretty lucky you got shot in the place you did," the doctor said looking at me, "If you were shot any higher then you would have most likely been dead" He then signed some papers and walked out of the room

I laid in bed resting and enjoying the quiet time I had to myself, but like usual it was interrupted

I looked up and saw my parents who ran to my side giving me a tight hug. "We're so glad you're okay!" My mom said with tears in her eyes

"Yeah when we were told you were here we quickly got in our car and headed straight down here," my dad said crying

They both looked at each other again and gave me another hug which I returned for the first time

"I'm glad you guys are here" I mumbled to them. They let go and smiled

"We were also told that they have Steven and he's being sent to prison as we speak. Since he's 18 he'll be sent to an adult prison where he'll be for a long time"

We then heard a knock at the door and in comes Jennie along with Sandara and Jiyong

"Hey, Lisayah do you mind if I talk to you for a bit, by ourselves?" Jennie asked looking at me than the rest

They all looked at each other and nodded their heads and left the room

Once the door clicked shut, Jennie made her way to my bed and lay down. "Laying like this feels so nice doesn't it, Lili?"

"I guess" I responded. "Didn't you have something to say?"

I felt Jennie shift around and stop once her head was resting on my chest

"Not really I just wanted to be alone with you and tell you, I love you" she mumbled

"I love you too" I responded

"Whoa!" She shouted lifting her head and looking at me


She smiled and laid her head back down on my chest, "I knew this day would always come"

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"That you finally admit you love me, a second time, and to top it off your heart was beating like crazy when you told me"

I felt my cheeks get warm and something wet roll down my cheeks

So this is what love feels like?

Who am I kidding? I guess I always knew when I was with Jennie

I smiled and closed my eyes, "Just go to sleep"

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