"Okay so are you two ready for tonight?"
Oh yeah we're breaking into Steven's house tonight
"What's tonight?" Jisoo asked
"Ummm nothing. What made you ask that?" Chaeyoung asked back
"Well maybe I asked because you asked if you two were ready for tonight, idiot"
"We plan on breaking into Steven's house to find some evidence because you know he nearly killed me" Lisa answered in her infamous blunt tone. Leave it to Lisa to give away a secret, but it's okay
"Lisa you're so funny" Chaeyoung nervously laughed. "Why would you-"
"Okay, I'm in. I believe you and I also don't like Steven, so seeing him getting sent to jail would be a very nice sight to see" Jisoo smiled as she got up to leave
"I'll be waiting in front of the school, once school is out" she got up and left and as soon as she did the bell rang
"Well it looks like we have no choice but to let her join," Chaeyoung said shrugging her shoulders and getting up then helping Lisa up
"Well, I can't walk you to class, because I have to run away extra laps around the track, because I talked back to our coach. I'll see you after school. Bye!" She said kissing Lisa on her cheek and left
"Luckily for you, I have a bit of time to spare to take you to your next class. But it's still a shame you're not taking PE class with us anymore" I said while staring at Lisa
"I just got tired of everyone there and talked to the principal about letting me switch classes" Lisa replied grabbing her things, not looking at me once and walking by me
She's mad
"Lisa wait up!" I shouted catching up with her. "I mean yeah everyone's annoying, but I know you still miss seeing me every day that hour?" I teased, but she just ignored me
"Lisayah?" But she still didn't say anything and kept walking
"Lisayah are you mad?" I knew she was but wanted to hear her say it. But still nothing
"Lili?" I said once again. Nothing
Okay I don't like this
"Lili talk to me, pwetty pwease?" I stopped her and gave her puppy dog eyes. She stood there staring at me not giving in
Yup she must be really mad because she would've given in by now
I didn't expect her to be this big of a jealous type. It's kind of cute
"Pwetty pwease with a cherry on top say something" But still nothing. So I decided to do one more thing she told me not to do, but she left me with no choice
I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek softly and I immediately got a response. "Jennie I told you no kissing"
I smiled. "Yay! I got to talk!" I said cheering
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Whatever"
"Now are you going to tell me why you were ignoring me?"
"No that's my business," she said as she kept walking to her class
"It is because I brought Jisoo to eat with us"
Lisa stiffened a bit but kept walking. "No, and why would I care? Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go into my classroom" she said walking in and sitting at her desk
"Fine, but I'll see you later. I love you Lisayah!" I yelled to her then left for PE class
Seeing her jealous was such a sight to see

Fanfiction(story adaptation) I was only 7 when I met her, but we had an instant connection. We were inseparable. She was always happy around me, but on the other hand, it was a completely different story. I suffered a disorder that caused me to have no emotio...