Chapter 7: Crush?

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(Ariel's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining thru the bedroom window, I sighed and groaned as I brought the blanket over my head just wanting to go back to be honest I dreamt about Tracey, I don't really remember what the dream was about because you lose thought of it as soon as you wake up but all I remember Tracey was in it and I liked it...him being there made me sleep better...does that sound weird? Am I being weird?

I heard chuckles which made me sigh as I took the covers off my head and looked to see the others awake "Good-Morning. We didn't think you'd wake up anytime soon" Tracey stated, I smiled and rolled my eyes "that's the point" I stated, the others chuckled a bit "well let's get some breakfast. I need to defeat my next Gym Battle" Ash said with determination.

I sighed and rolled my eyes "Arceus are you always this hyper and chipper in the morning?" I asked, Misty scoffed and rolled her eyes "Unfortunately" she said, I sighed and rolled my eyes as I sat up and rubbed my face a bit "I'll go start breakfast" Misty said, "I need to train before we leave, come on Pikachu" Ash said which made Pikachu shout with excitement as they both ran out of the room.

All that was left was me and Tracey, it was kinda awkward and the tension was a bit high. We both looked at each other and blushed and smiled "How'd you sleep?" He asked, I smiled softly and rubbed my face "Good how about you?" I asked, he smiled "good" he said, I nodded as I hopped out of bed and stretched a bit.

Kip jumped on my shoulder which made me smile "Shall we go help Misty with breakfast?" I asked, Tracey chuckled a bit and nodded as we headed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. I brewed some coffee while Tracey helped Misty with breakfast.

I looked outside seeing Ash training all his pokemon for the next battle, I couldn't help but sigh a bit...I feel like a bad pokemon trainer...I mean I know I'm a Breeder, but still...I can't do what Ash does. I wish I could but I can't...My sisters have hurt me so bad that I can't function like a normal human anymore...I'm so broken and scarred and scared of everything.

I can't train my pokemon and I know they want to...I feel like a horrible pokemon trainer and breeder who shouldn't be allowed to have pokemon...Ash and the other's pokemon look so amazing, not to mention heathy and strong...My pokemon aren't like that...I tried...I really did, but because of my sisters all of that is ruined...

I still have so many scars, cuts and bruises that will probably never go away and just always remind me of what my sisters did and how much of a weak pathetic person I am...speaking of which I need to probably check them out but I'll need help cause I can't really see nor reach the ones on my back so I'll have to ask Misty or Tracey cause he's like the Brock in the group.

The sound of the coffeemaker went off which snapped me from my thoughts, I sighed as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee "Hey, you okay?" Misty asked rubbing my back a bit which made me flinch and hiss a bit not knowing how bad the wounds hurt until now. Misty furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "Ariel, turn around please" She said,

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