Chapter 8: I Like Tracy Sketchit...

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(Takes place at Season 2: Episode 13 - Navel Maneuvers) 

(Ariel's Pov) *THE SAME DAY*

After a while of swimming on the ocean and the others having small talk here and there, I was lost in my own little world. My own little world of thinking about Tracey Sketchit...I couldn't help but think of how he's made me feel over the past few week...he's just made me feel things I've never felt before.

He makes me smile and laugh, he makes me blush, makes my heart and stomach feel weird and warm on the inside...I mean he's handsome that's for sure and looking at him, even talking with him makes me forget about all the bad shit that's happened...he makes me happy and I've never been truly happy before...I didn't know someone like him could make me feel such a way...I don't know what to do...or who to tell really because Misty will just tease me and Ash is who can I tell?

I heard laughter which made me gasp and blink a few times to see I was staring right at Tracey with probably fucking love hearts in my eyes like a pathetic loser...great...just what I need...goodness man...Tracey's eyes just widened as his face turned pink which made him look away and smile bashfully, while Misty just laughed and of course Ash was in his own little world with Pikachu so he had no idea what the fuck was happening, "Having a staring problem Ariel?" Misty teased, I blushed and rolled my eyes as I pouted and looked the other way making her laugh some more.

It went quiet for a moment "Hey look! There it is" Tracey said which made me look to see the Navel Island which was had a huge mountain just right smack dab in the middle of it, "Woah" I said, "I wonder what kind of badge they'll have" Misty thought, "I think it's called the Sea-Ruby Badge. It's made out of a seashell with a ruby in it" Tracey said which made me smile softly...he was so smart...Man I need to get it together before I embarrass myself more around him...ugh...

Ash smirked a bit, "The Sea Ruby Badge. Guys let's get to that island so I can get that badge" Ash said with determination which made Pikachu cheer. I smiled sadly because I will never know what it's like to battle other people or other pokemon because of the trauma I've endured...I probably never will...I mean not like I wanna battle and hurt pokemon or have my pokemon be hurt but still...

When we got to the shore, we all hopped off our pokemon and returned them. I kept Kip out of course to keep me company as he rode on my shoulder. We walked to what look like a little village but something seemed off about it...Not only did we not see anybody but it was just so quiet which just made all of us confused because for a big island like this there should be people around but it was literally just us.

Of course Ash complained because we didn't see a Gym around let alone any other buildings like a market or pokemon center which was odd for an island that's on the map like this. Suddenly we heard something coming from the ocean which made us look to see it was a guy parasailing his way over here. We looked at each other with confusion as he parked his boat on the shore and hopped off it "Hi, I bet you guys are looking for a Gym battle" The strange man said,

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