Chapter 19: Needing More

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(Ariel's Pov)

After last night, we all honestly were super relaxed enough outside that we all kinda fell asleep, I mean it was super peaceful and relaxing so why not? Thankfully we had the island to pretty much ourselves so we didn't have to worry about people, Team Rocket or my sisters, which was great.

The next morning, I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining in my eyes which made me groan and cover my face with my arm. I sighed and shivered a bit feeling a cold breeze course through me. I rolled my eyes as I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the blue sky and the bright sun that rose above the horizon.

I sat up and yawned before rubbing my face tiredly. I looked out at the ocean and smiled softly letting out a sigh in content. For once I felt at peace, I felt happy as if all my problems simply drifted away. I shook my head and cracked my stiff and sore muscles before looking to see everyone else was still sleeping along with the pokemon which made me smile softly as I stood up and stretched once more.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the fresh cool breeze of the nice fresh, peaceful air. I opened my eyes once more and walked over to the edge of the where the island meets the water and stood by it. Wingull's and Pelipper's chirped from above as the sound of the ocean water crashed while the ocean pokemon jumped from the water with joy.

Honestly none of this felt real, all of this felt like some sort of dream where I'm finally happy and finally free from everything in my life where I can now be whoever I want and do whatever I want. I pinched myself once more making sure this was all really here and really happening.

I guess I must've zoned out for a while because I didn't realize anyone else was awake until I felt arms around my waist. I gasped and jumped a bit only to find out it was Tracey. He chuckled a bit "Sorry, did I scare you?" he asked, I put a hand on my chest and nodded "Sorry. Didn't realize you were awake" I said, he chuckled "Yea. Just woke up. Found you just staring off into the sea. Everything okay?" he asked,

I smiled and nodded "Everything's perfect that it all just doesn't seem real" I said, Tracey chuckled a bit and kissed my head "Well, I can assure you it is" He said, I nodded "Did you sleep okay?" he asked, I nodded "Always" I said, he smiled "Good. Shall we get coffee going?" he asked, I nodded as we headed inside the Pokemon Center and to the kitchen to start coffee.

I went ahead and got the pokemon food ready as I grabbed the bowls from the cabinet and filled it up with the food. Tracey grabbed us some mugs and poured us some coffee which made me smile as I sat on the kitchen counter and sipped the hot coffee. Tracey smiled and slid between my legs making me bite my lip a bit.

He wrapped one arm around my waist which made me blush shyly "What do you wanna do today?" he asked, I shrugged "I don't know. I figure a few more days here then we should probably start finding other islands cause I'm sure Ash is dying for another battle" I said, he laughed a bit "Oh yea, I'm sure of that" he said, I nodded and sipped my coffee in the peaceful silence.

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