Chapter 14: Comfort and Love

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*These next few chapters might be a bit shorter but that's because I suck at writing and have ran out of ideas so I apologize and I hope you enjoy anyways!*

(Ariel's Pov) *SAME DAY*

After a while of everyone playing around and having a good time, it was starting to get late. I was still sitting on the ground with Aqua laying on my lap keeping me company and making sure I was okay. The others were getting tired and hungry I'd assume as Tracey walked over to me and sat down across from me.

He gently grabbed my hands and rubbed the back of them with this thumbs which made me smile sadly, "how are you doing?" he asked, I shrugged and sighed a bit. I mean what was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? My sisters, the ones who's abused me and my pokemon for 6 years found me and are trying to take me and my Suicune away.

Just so I can endure their pain and abuse once more...all for their own selfish gain. They don't love me...they never did...all they want is my Suicune so they can become the strongest Pokemon Gym Leaders ever...How was I supposed to feel and react to that? How was I supposed to just be okay?

Tracey frowned and gently caressed my cheek "Let's go back to the Pokemon Center for some dinner. Then we can just relax for the rest of the night okay?" He suggested, I nodded as I tapped Aqua who fluttered his eyes open and looked up at me.

He looked over at the others who walked up to us. Me and Aqua headed off the ground and stretched a bit before heading back to the Pokemon Center for dinner. I held onto Tracey's arm and played with his fingers while Aqua walked protectively next to me making sure I was safe and okay.

When we got back to the Pokemon Center. We headed to the kitchen where Tracey and Misty cooked dinner while Ash set the table. I went ahead and got food for the pokemon then sat at the kitchen table feeling so tired, so depressed and so just...exhausted with everything.

Tracey went ahead and brewed some coffee before pouring me a cup. I smiled softly and thanked him as I looked over at my pokemon who seemed okay for the most part and ate their dinner. Aqua made sure they were also okay and ate which was good...He was so good with them. He was pretty much the big brother to all my pokemon; granted that he was technically my first pokemon I had aside Kip who I got shortly after.

Knowing that Aqua is very smart, very loving and protective and even though he was mostly hidden within his pokeball, he knew what happened to me and my pokemon and would do everything he can to protect me and them...I don't know where I would be without him or where my life would be if I didn't have him...frankly I would honestly be dead so I'm grateful and thankful that I have Suicune and I love him more than anything.

Once dinner was done, Tracey placed a plate of food in front of me which snapped me from my thoughts. I sighed a bit as he sat next me while the others sat across from us at the kitchen table, "Dinner is served" Misty said, I nodded as everyone dug into their food but I ate slowly and picked around at mine not feeling hungry and mostly feeling sick and nauseous to my stomach.

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