Chapter 5: Friends?

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(Ariel's Pov)

After last night, we all found a hotel to stay at for the night. We all had dinner, shared a room which had 2 sets of bunkbeds. Me and Misty on one and Ash and Tracey on the other...I couldn't sleep that night tho; it was hard to. I even had Aqua and Kip by my side, but it was still hard to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about my sisters...I wish I could stop thinking about them, but they've now haunted my every move...

I thought one ride with Aqua around the water and neighborhood would work, so that's what I did. I rode on his back, sang some small tunes and by then I was able to sleep as Aqua took me home and slept comfortably around me, he made sure I was warm and my dreams were nice.

The next day, I fluttered my eyes open to Misty's Togepi booping my nose and giggling with excitement. I couldn't help but giggle as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. The sun was shining a lot brighter here then back at Cerulean City...maybe cause we're on an island and we're close to the sunrise and sunset and because we're surrounded by the ocean it was truly, truly beautiful.

I picked up Togepi who giggled "Well Good-Morning to you to Togepi" I said as he waved his little arms around and smiled which made me giggle and smile "Togepi, I told you not to bother Ariel while she's sleeping" Misty said as she walked in our room. I smiled a little "It's okay Misty. I can't sleep all day anyways...not like I can sleep anymore anyways" I said and whispered at the end.

Misty sat next to me on the bed and wrapped her arms around me "I promise you're safe now. They'll never hurt you again" She said, I just nodded "I know but they still haunt my every move. They're in my nightmares, I have PTSD from battling now, I can't sleep, I can hardly eat...I may be free but I'm not truly free" I rambled as I felt tears swell in my eyes again.

Misty sighed and kissed my head "And we will do everything we can so you don't have to hurt anymore" Misty said, I just sighed a bit and nodded "Come on, breakfast is almost done" She said, I just nodded as I handed her Togepi which made her smile as she walked out.

I sighed as I woke up Kip and Aqua and hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I pet both Kip and Aqua who smiled and nuzzled against my hand "Thank you for helping me sleep guys" I said, they made their cute noises which made me smile "come on, let's get breakfast" I said as we headed out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.

My stomach growled as the aroma of coffee and food filled my nostrils, I sighed as I put Kip with all the other pokemon "Eat up guys" I said, they nodded which made me smile as I sat at the kitchen table "Morning Ariel, you would like some coffee?" Tracey asked, I smiled at him "I would love some, thanks" I said,

He smiled and nodded as he handed me a cup which made me smile as I took a sip of the sweet coffee bean water (lmao XD). I saw Tracey's sketch book beside me which made me smile as I got curious "Hey Tracey, can I look thru your sketches?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled shyly "S-sure" He stuttered a little.

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