6: Runaway Princess

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Okay this IS in Ivan's point of view, to anyone who wouldnt have known, though I'm not sure how, but, yeah.

I think this chapter is a little better written than the last because I hadnt written in so long I was a bit rusty ;P. And also this is a pretty short chapter and the end kind of sucked but I hope it's okay. You guys are the best so enjoy!



The panicked movement of feet made me insane. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I stared at the empty practice fields. Most of the guards were in tow behind me preparing to go in search of Addison. I rubbed my face, wiping my hands on my shirt and managed to walk towards the castle. Every step was an effort; every muscle in my body was clenched in uproar against myself.

I climbed the stony steps that I had ascended it seemed like a thousand times before. I noticed the old, weathering areas and the small chunks falling off in random rows. It awakened memories that were just a few of many with my best friend. I remembered Addison.

I shook my head, my heart swollen so heavy that it was hard to breathe. She’s fine. She’s smart. She’ll come back. My thoughts swirled into a constant circle of conceptions of bad gone worse scenarios that ensnared Addison. I silenced them, taking little comfort from my blank mind.

A familiar face surfaced in my view and I nodded in greeting at Aaron, the oldest of the king’s sons. He was seven years my senior and naturally became a person to look up to. He had his mother’s eyes, Addison’s eyes. I looked away.

“Ivan. What have you got?” He asked, his face was perfectly sculpted without emotion. But I knew how much he cared dearly about Addison.

“Nothing. None of the guards have found anyone with any information except a few unreliable gossips that wove stories of dragons and witches. Some people ponder over what happened at the feast, we were put under a spell and when we woke up Addison was gone with a servant boy in her room tied up naked under her bed.” I still couldn’t think of a feasible answer to what happened that day. No one could.

“I can answer one of those questions. The food taster tried the well water three times, falling asleep after each tasting and declared it a drug that stimulates sleep. It had to be used excessively in concentrate to be able to get the whole castle dreaming. And to make it all work at the exact same time was incredulous. We’re pursuing some very skilled kidnappers here.” Aaron got a small look in his eye, it was a tell for his motivation. His brain must’ve been working at speeds like no other. I had only caught the glint on few occasions in the years of knowing him. Addison had called it his ‘driving force’ look when she was younger. I could’ve smiled if I wasn’t in the current state of affairs.

We walked inside the castle, Aaron divulging me with the scarce details we had. We reached a pair of his brothers and we took off on our separate ways, though promising to tell one another if anything new was found.

I sighed, wanting to collapse in a heap on my bed, or at least a chair. I settled for leaning against the wall. It sparked the recollection of my last encounter with Addison. I looked at the marbled floor in disgust. I couldn’t stay still otherwise my mind would take over with self-loathing and appalling visualizations towards Addison’s life.

I looked around the wide foyer as I heard the tapping of soft slippers echo across the walls. A slight figure came around the corner of the hallway and smiled once she recognized me.

“What are you doing here, Larissa?” I exhaled not unkindly.  I focused on her blue eyes that were over coated with soft kohl and lemon paste, to match her dress. I once told her that I wasn’t too fond of such an unnatural look but she replied shortly that she was fond of it, and that was that. I was happy in my decision to eventually marry Larissa, but I wasn’t happy that Addison didn’t take it too well.

My head hurt as I remembered the things I said to her that day. I had crushed her heart with each word that left my mouth and I knew what I was doing. I hated myself for that. My focus came back to Larissa as she explained why she was in the palace.

“The queen invited me over to try and see if I had any news on Addison. She thought the king was withholding information from her.” She sighed heavily, “Just because my father is the general of the king’s army doesn’t mean that he tells me everything.” She scowled, adding an eye roll.

“I mean, it isn’t like I care anyways. She was practically begging for this to happen. Princess Addison adores attention almost as much as she likes stuffing her large ar—“

“Larissa!” I couldn’t believe those words came from her mouth. How could she say that? What had gotten into her?

She blushed at the look I gave and tried to reconcile, “Look, I don’t think she deserved to be kidnapped. But are you sure that it even happened? She probably ran away, she might’ve even been the one to poison us all.”

“It wasn’t even poison.” I found myself defending Addison and realized that I had actually taken Larissa’s justification seriously.

“She was kidnapped. She wouldn’t run away, she knew how much we all loved her. Plus, the kingdom is depending on her and Prince Anthony to marry.” My eyes widened and I cursed at myself. No one was supposed to know why the king suddenly wanted his daughter to be wed.

Larissa narrowed her eyes taking in the details of my slip and reaction to it. Her lips curved into a smile and she tilted her head at me. “I’ll need to go now, Lord Ivan.” She quickly kissed me on the cheek and curtsied. I gave her retreating form a look of surprise at the formality in her farewell but shrugged and closed my eyes.

Thoughts kept generating in my head, thoughts that were planted by Larissa. It couldn’t be. She wouldn’t have. No.

I let them in.

If Addison ran away then she’d have to most definitely have someone to help her because last I checked she wasn’t studying poisons and potions. But who would help a princess run away? No one would risk it. Well, except an old witch hag wanting a pile of gold coins and a lock of her hair. Maybe Addison had a lover?

No. This was foolish to even think about. Addison was kidnapped. Kidnapped. She wouldn’t run away, it wasn’t her character. But I couldn’t just forget the facts of what we did to her. I’d expect if that happened to me then I’d run away too. Wouldn’t I?

I decided to keep an open mind on the matter. But I still couldn’t wrap my head around the thought of Addison running away. What would she do? She was still a girl. This was the world we lived in, she shouldn’t have even thought to try and change it.

I could hear an echo of my past go through my mind. I don’t know why I’ve changed ways. I’d thought it was growing up. It wasn’t like I actually believed in my childish dreams anyways. I knew that one day I’d have to face the facts and I did. Addison just wouldn’t let that daydreaming little girl go. There is a time in life when you have to. I had to, what made her any different?

I pushed myself off the wall and walked towards the side entrance leading to the stables. Riding was a freedom that was an escape. At least, in my thoughts. Well, Addison’s too. We’d both looked fondly towards horses, their musky smell of work and sweat, and their rippling muscles fluent each time they galloped. We rode at least once a week, practically every time we saw each other. It was ours. Something no one could take from us. Though Addison always complained about her skirts and the way she was taught to ride. I grinned at the memories. The smile felt real this time, but it quickly vanished off of my face leaving not the slightest hint that one had even been there.

I settled back into the present.


It means the world to me when people comment and vote, especially when you comment. I feel like you're actually interested in the story instead of just a passerby reading. I was really sad that no one posted a comment last chapter so maybe someone can this time. I really want to know what you think! Especially on Ivan's POV. Do you still hate him? Any sympathies? 

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