4: Runaway Princess

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Welp, here it is. The thing that, well, you've been waiting a 'while' for. Hehe. :D

I Hope yall enjoy it, and I SERIOUSLY need your opinions. Thankyou, thankyou!

Ella is to your right. (:


I felt something wet hit my face and I groaned loudly, rolling over on my stomach. 

“Wake up.” I heard a stern female voice say, splashing me on my head again.

I jumped up, bringing my hand to my head quickly and looked up at Ella in shock. “What’d you do that for?” I asked, still waking up from my uncomfortable sleep. Years of being in the finest bed to in one day the rough ground does an ache on your back.

“Well, if I hadn’t. And they were to wake up, then they’d discover that pretty little secret you’re keeping.” She said, her dark eyes piercing through mine.

I glanced down and saw that my hood had fallen down and my hair tumbled down my chest and back.

“What can I do?” I asked, anxiously.

She let out a breathy laugh and took out something from her leather hilt, a rough edged knife.

“You’re going to cut my hair?” My eyes widened, and my hands automatically reached up towards my blonde tussles.

“Well, unless you’d like to go back to the life of a princess, then yes.”

“But it’s inappropriate for a woman to—“

“You’re a woman? How so? I thought you were just a gangly boy?” She asked, testing me.

“Right.” I bit my lip deeply and nodded.

She guided me to a near stream and we sat down on a rock as she quickly cut off my thick locks and turned my hair into a rough cropped hairstyle that was a bit rogue from being cut with a knife.

I felt my newly short hair and ran my fingers through it a few times, shivering as the wind hit the back of my neck. It did feel nice though, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. And it was much easier to walk around without having to wear that horrid cloak everywhere.

Once we got back to camp the others were awake and a small fire was baking a few slices of raw meat that someone had gotten from what appeared to be a rabbit, as I glanced at a furry body lying in a ditch a short distance away.

“Boys, boys. Don’t you know that when you skin a rabbit you throw the excess as far away as you can get it? It attracts too many animals.” Ella sighed, sitting down like a man on a rough log.

I followed her stature and sat a couple feet away from her, gazing at the cooking meat. I hadn’t eaten since the day before yesterday, which was the day before I had decided to go on the adventure which I suspected to be of my lifetime.

“Of course we know, Ella. Collin was too lazy too though, I told him I had to cook it so he should toss it and—” But Collin interrupted him and finished his sentence. “—and I said that we would be setting off today anyways so it didn’t matter.”

“We’re setting off again?” I asked, my thoughts instantly turning to my aching muscles and tired body.

“Yes, we are sugarplum. And if you don’t like it well, you can probably make it back to the castle by daybreak tomorrow. Then you can go back to the cozy life of a servant boy.” Lance replied a bit too enthusiastically.

Runaway PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now