Fire buys up all the meats and doggie treats/Michelle visits

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Thursday, September 16th, 2021 at 3:30p.m., Fire had went to every store in town, and bought up all of their meats, and doggie treats while snacking on a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and she went home. All of the stores had to stock up on their meats, and doggie treats that very same day, and Fire put all of the meats and doggie treats up in her house. At 8:30p.m., there was a knock at her door, and Fire was just finished cooking five New York Strip steaks with caramelized onions, and seafood stir fry. 

Michelle: Fire, I know you're in there, open up. I'm not goin' anywhere, until, you open the door.

She put the stir fry on simmer and washed her hands in the sink. She dried her hands with the hand towel and walked towards the door. She opened the door and looked at Michelle.

Michelle: Aren't you gonna let me in?

Fire closed the door in her face and locked it. She closed every curtain and blinds in the house with her telekinesis and fixed her plate of food.

Michelle: Fire, I just wanna talk. Can I at least get somethin' to eat, please?

Fire made 20 plates of food, wrapped them up with aluminum foil, and put them in two, gigantic, plastic bags. She walked towards the door, unlocked it, opened it, and handed the bags to Michelle. Michelle took them from her and Fire closed the door quick-like. She locked it and went upstairs to her room with her food and drink. Vin got beside Michelle and they looked at each other.

Vin: Any luck?

Michelle: Nope, she's just as silent as a bird, but at least, she gave us food.

Vin: You need some help?

She handed him one of the bags and he took it from her.

Michelle & Vin (in unison): Thanks for the food, Fire.

They walked away and went back to the werewolf headquarters. They went inside the mansion and put the bags on the banquet table. Everybody got a plate and Damian walked towards them. He stopped and grabbed a plate.

Damian: Let me guess, you didn't defrost the Ice Queen, did you?

Michelle: No, she didn't even talk, just stared like she was lookin' right through me, but at least, she gave us food.

Damian: I'll talk some sense into her, tonight. That's no way to treat our family.

Michelle: She's hurt, Damian, and hellbent on revenge. You're lucky I didn't get blown up. She just need some time to herself before the full moon, and then, we go in for the kill.

Damian: I'll handle it.

He walked away with his food and drink and Michelle scoffed.

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