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"This script is bogus." Janus muttered.

"One, you can't talk, you still say the word 'bogus'," Virgil said, "and second, don't be so mean. Lo worked hard on the script."

"Well I think 'Lo' should take the points his second makes into account!" Janus said. "He made me editor for a reason."

"That reason was that you held me at literal baseball bat point and threatened to give me a concussion if I didn't make you editor." Logan said, blinking. "Besides, the script's fine."

"To you. But you're the author. You're blind to its faults." Janus said, leaning against a tree.

"Not true. I'm the author, I overanalyse all of the script." Logan said. "Anyway, where're the twins?"

"Roman's probably hanging out with his mystery lover." Janus said, laughing. "Remus' probably held up by Roman being an ass."

Logan sighed helplessly. "Well, we can't start a film without a main character." He muttered, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Why'd you even cast Remus as Robin Hood, anyway?" Janus asked, scratching the eczema on his jaw.

"Jan, don't scratch your eczema." Virgil said, not looking up from his script. Janus sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, dad." Janus said. "Anyway, Logan. Why?"

Logan shrugged. "Roman didn't want the part and Remus is the best actor out of all of you aside from the other Winston."

"Hey! Sorry we're late!" Remus said, running up to the small group with a very pink faced Roman. "Ro was preoccupied."

"Was not." Roman muttered, smoothing his hair down.

"Your jumper's on backwards, Princey." Virgil said, grinning. "Just how preoccupied was he, Re? Where on the scale?"

"Oh, I'd have to say a solid eight or nine." Remus said, giggling. Virgil crowed with laughter.

"That preoccupied, huh Princey?" He asked.

"Shut up." Roman's head was currently covered with his red jumper so the words were rather muffled. Logan sighed and stood up.

"Now that we're all here, I was thinking we could start filming the scenes with Sir Guy and Robin Hood." He said. Janus jumped up.

"No fair, I've only just learnt my lines." He protested. Logan glared at him.

"You've had two months and through your own incompetence, you've failed." He said. He picked up a prop sword and threw it at Janus. "Deal with it."

Janus rolled his eyes. "Whatever. What scene are we doing first?"

"Interrogation scene at the ruins of Loxly Hall, I'd say." Logan said, flicking through his annotated version of the script. "That should get you two in the mindset and it's the easiest scene to film."

"Thank God." Virgil and Remus said at the same time. Janus and Logan looked up at them.

"Why's that?" Logan asked. Virgil pointed at Remus.

"I'm glad I don't have to kiss that yet." He said. Remus clapped a hand over his heart, fake offended.

"How dare you, good sir!" He said. "I'll have you know many people would pay good money to kiss me!"

"Then why are you still single?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms. Remus' bravado quickly faded.

"I'm emotionally taken at the moment." He muttered. Virgil laughed.

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