Thunder Clouds

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It's thundering here in West Yorkshire so get ready for Demus in a thunderstorm

It was hot that day. Too hot for anyone to be outside. Even the bugs, midges and flies that usually dominated this kind of weather buzzed lazily in kitchens and near windows, hoping for any stretch of coolness. The air was heavy with the promise of a storm.

A green and silver bike whizzed down a cul-de-sac hill, it's rider whooping and cheering with the only energy in the day. Closely followed was a yellow bike with a slightly less energized manor, it's rider laughing at the person in front. The green bike owner's jacket tied around his waist flew out behind him and the owner of the yellow bike's hair streamed out behind his head.

"Rem, Rem, hold on!" Janus yelled. "Wait up!"

"Catch me if you can, Jan!" Remus yelled joyously, reaching level ground and peddling as hard as he could.

"Rem, it's too darn hot for this!" Janus called after the other boy. The only reply he got was Remus singing 'Too Darn Hot' at the top of his lungs as he cycled away.

Janus sighed and stopped, taking one foot off his peddles to balance his bike. He leaned his head back and tried to catch a breath. The stupid heat of the air had knocked all the breath out of his chest.

"Okay, let's go." He muttered to himself before peddling off after the other boy.

"Rem, are you sure this is a good idea?" Janus asked, daring to take one hand off the handle-bars of his bike to drag it through his tangled hair.

"What makes you say that?" Remus asked.

"Well, it's about a billion degrees right now and there are thunder clouds on the horizon." Janus said. Remus looked up at the mention of thunder.

"Where?" He asked, looking around wildly.

"Where are the thunder clouds?" Janus asked. Remus nodded. Janus rolled his eyes and pointed in the direction of the big grey clouds slowly approaching. Remus turned his bike around with a skid of wheels.

"To the thunder clouds!" He declared before peddling hard in the other direction. Janus sighed.

"How does he have so much energy?" He thought to himself.

"Rem, slow down!" Janus yelled. "Do you not realise how bad of an idea this is?!" Janus had no idea if his boyfriend was listening to him or not but he was still going to damn try. "I don't have a coat and your jacket isn't water proof! And-"

Janus was cut off by a raindrop that felt like it was the size of a ping-pong ball landing on his head.

"Ha ha, it rains!" Remus yelled excitedly. "Now we wait for the thunder." He skidded to a stop by an empty park and deposited his bike by a tree. "C'mon, Jan!"

"Rem, do you have any idea how dangerous it is to leave your bike unlocked?" Janus asked, fiddling with the bike lock. "Your bike could get stolen and I know for a fact you haven't insured it because you've never insured anything in your life-"

"Because I'm 16." Remus protested.

"My point still stands." Janus said. He locked his bike in place and threw his hair out of his face. "And might I ask what you plan is?"

A rumble of thunder rolled through the sky and Remus immediately lost interest in whatever he was going to say, instead leaping over the fence and running into the park.

"Remus!" Janus yelled after him in a strangled sort of way. "Rem, wait up!" Janus tried to cover his head and ran after Remus. "Rem, we're going to get soaked."

Remus looked up at Janus, grinning. Janus sighed. "Rem, you're soaked." He said.

"So're you." Remus said, laughing. He looked up into the sky and laughed at the next roll of thunder.

"At least put your jacket to good use and make some sort of covering for yourself." Janus said, hugging his elbows. It was amazing how much the rain cooled everything down. Remus tilted his head to the side and undid his jacket from around his waist.

"Come on." He said, holding the jacket over his head.

"Rem, there's not enough space for both of us." Janus said, smiling.

"Is too." Remus protested. Janus rolled his eyes and walked over to Remus, just fitting under the cover of the jacket. "See, told you so."

Janus laughed and cupped Remus' face, kissing him. Remus smiled into the kiss and the cover from the rain was momentarily lost as Remus wrapped his arms around Janus' waist. Janus very nearly giggled into the kiss, he always felt so giddy when he kissed Remus.

Remus pulled away from the kiss gently and grinned at Janus. "You're blushing." He said, ignoring the pink blush on his own face.

Janus rolled his eyes and hugged Remus tightly, burying his face in his chest. "You're blushing too."

Remus' laughed was cut through by another rumble of thunder.

This is fluff and I am happy. I love the idea of Janus and Remus on bikes, like the one's in the Loser's Club not the proper cycling ones, I don't know why I've never written it before.

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