Slaps or Incentives? - romanogers|Single Chapter

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As soon as I enter one of the plane's rooms I feel his presence, then the door slams shut and I find myself pressed against the wall.

- You could have died. - he speaks.

His tone is of anger but looking at his face I notice that lust is also shining in them.

- Excuse me. - I don't regret what I did, I saved lives today but I don't want to fight. - Sometimes I forget that I'm not alone anymore.

His gaze softens and he gives a half smile.

I place my hand around his neck and bring him in for a kiss.

Our first touch is affectionate but soon becomes wild.

I place my body on yours and feel the strength of your desire for me.

I moan into his mouth and he bites my bottom lip.

I feel his hands go down to my breasts and quickly he unzips my uniform, leaving my breasts exposed. I step away from him and soon take off my boots and tight leather jumpsuit leaving only my panties.

I pull off his shirt and kiss his muscled chest.

He picks me up, twining my legs behind his back.

And again devours my mouth.

Steve comes down to my neck, licking, kissing...

I let out a low moan, my hands still in her hair.

And I'm surprised by the pain of a hard smack on my thigh.

I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from screaming.

- We have to be silent. - he says and only now I remember that there are other people on the plane with us. - If you moan again, I'll give you another. he says breathlessly, his eyes gleaming with pure lust.

I feel a nice shiver and my breasts get hard.

- Is that an incentive? - I say smiling, breathing heavily. I delight in the burning sensation that stayed in my thigh.

Without warning I feel his hand invade my panties and start massaging my clit with his thumb.

I try to contain the moan but it leaves and soon I feel another smack on my thighs.

Like the other one, this one hurts like hell and I still feel wetter.

- You like? - he asks looking into my eyes.

A finger penetrates me and I gasp for breath, then the slap comes even harder.

- Answer. - he demands.

"Yes," I reply in a breathless voice. - Shit, I like it.

He caresses the slap site and slowly starts the in and out with one finger while stroking me with his thumb.

He inserts another finger and instead of hitting me, he slaps his hand over my mouth, muffling my moan.

I close my eyes and allow myself to get lost with his fingers in and out.

He bends down to brush his teeth lightly across the tip of my breast.

I run my hand down his chest, reaching up to his hand on my pussy, hold it tight, and make him speed up.

I tilt my head back.

He bites the tip of my ear.


Almost, just a little longer...

- Calm. - He whispers - When you come I want to be inside you, baby.

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