Your Majesty is on his knees - romanogers | Part 2

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- You're cute. - She declared without shaking or kneeling. - I like.

Steve grimaced, a woman hadn't addressed him as "cute" for years and he didn't like being called that by the queen.

- Since you don't want to talk, I'll be kind and tell you some things. I am the sovereign of Romanov and here you obey me.

- I am not one of your majesty subjects. - he said between his teeth.

- No, it's not. - she confirmed. - But you signed a document before your entry was allowed to my kingdom. - Steve vaguely remembered his superiors asking him to sign some papers, papers that at the time did not seem to matter and now he saw - or rather heard that this would bring him problems. "I must refresh your memory Captain Rogers that in the document you give yourself to me, your queen," she smiled, "giving me all rights over you." Then you are my property. And I do what I want with you.

- The contract also said that whoever passed the test of the queen would be the new king. I passed?

- No. - This could clearly be a lie, in fact she had been in awe of him.

Lots and lots of men had come out of that same room with their throats bleeding, some had tried harder and had been carried out the door lifeless.

It would be a lie if she said she didn't feel anything different when she was with Steve.

She had let him take control, dismissed her guards, she could handle herself, if the captain tried something she would obviously have a way to finish him off but his presence exuded a kind of security she didn't know, the two of them in bed were like an explosion, a very good combination that she would explore, but first she had things to do.

- Not yet. she said, her body moving around the room. She picked up her robe from the floor and put it on.

- Yet?

- Yes, yet. Stay here. - she ordered. - Someone will take you to your room. You are not allowed to walk outside the castle. - she declared.

Steve stood up, his posture as he stood up clearly saying he didn't like this at all and was ready to fight.

Natasha knotted her robe and walked over to him. Her straight spine in superior pose and her eyes full of authority.

- I don't need your permission. - he declared.

- You really need it. You will do what I say. If I call you, you come. If I tell you to stay you stay or you can kiss your pretty neck goodbye.

- I won't be your pet.

- And you are not. You will be my fiance. Obey me and you will be a king, deny me something and make sure I don't hesitate to kill you.


Steve Pov

I was locked in this room for three days.

And not once has that woman come to visit me.

Okay she's a queen, she has thousands of issues to deal with but damn…she locked me in here and if it wasn't for three people who entered this room I could be pretty sure she had thrown the key away.

The women who fed me, dressed me and cleaned my room daily didn't speak to me, I suspected it wasn't just because they couldn't speak English. They seemed to fear something.

The only person who visited me regularly was Wanda Maximoff, the Queen's cousin.

She spent some time talking to me and telling me some things about the history of the kingdom and its former leaders but she said very little about Natasha.

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