Mr Rogers' Nanny - romanogers - Part 1

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It was a Friday when Mr. Rogers first called me.

He was lucky enough to call me on one of my nights off.

- Hello?

- My name is Steve Rogers. I'm looking for Natasha Romanoff. - replied the person on the other end of the line.

I immediately liked her voice. It wasn't very deep, but it was soft and smooth.

- Did you call her.

- Oh, hi Natasha. I'm friends with the Starks, and they recommended you as a nanny. I have some late meetings the next two Fridays and my regular nanny won't be available. I wanted to know if you will be available to take care of my son.

- I usually take Friday nights off but you look like you need some help.

- I really need it, - he said - I'm afraid I can't offer more than your normal rate...

- It's all right. - I interrupted him. - I don't mind, sir. I would love to babysit your child.

- Thank you very much. - he said looking relieved. -His name is James, and he is four years old. I need you around five until a little after eleven.

- It's not a problem. - I said.

I got the rest of the details from him, and wrote down his address.

He lived on the other side of town but I was sure my mom wouldn't mind taking me.


On Friday, a quarter to five. I walked up the sidewalk, rang the bell and waited patiently.

I didn't know about Mr Rogers however the Starks were a couple in their early forties and since they had referenced me I figured Mr Rogers must be in the same age range, over forty, I was mildly surprised when the door opened. opened by a man who looked to be in his early thirties.

He was handsome, about six feet tall and quite toned, with deep blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was wearing a nice suit but it looked a little wrinkled.

- Mr. Rogers?

- Yes, you must be Natasha?

I smiled.

- Nice to meet you sir.

He smiled and opened the door. I turned and waved at my mother, who was waiting to make sure we had the right address.

Mr Rogers took me inside and offered to get my jacket. I smiled and handed it to him, looking around the house as he put it away.

It was good but a little messy. There were toys scattered everywhere and I could hear a TV playing a children's program in the next room.

"Sorry about the mess," said Mr Rogers when he returned. - I didn't have time to clean anything.

- It's all right.

- No, it's embarrassing. He smiled at me apologetically. I smiled.

He was very attractive, especially when he smiled, and I briefly let myself imagine what he looked like in bed.

My thoughts were interrupted by a little boy running into the front hall. Mr. Rogers turned and lifted the boy.

- This is James. - he said. James looked at me sheepishly, but he was smiling.

He was absolutely adorable, with big blue eyes like his father, and blond curls that fell in his face. He had a smudge of dirt on his face and his dad wiped it away tenderly.

- Hi James. - I spoke. - I'm Natasha, and I'll stay here with you tonight.

"Say hi, James," Mr Rogers said, nudging the little boy.

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