Your Majesty is on his knees - romanogers | Part 1

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- I don't kneel in front of anyone.

That was the last thing the Queen's advisers heard before she left the cabinet.

More than a year ago, men of great name had come to Romanov's kingdom to try to ask for the queen's hand in marriage, but none had stood a chance.

The men were subjected to a night with Your Majesty where they were put through a test of endurance where none had passed successfully until now.

As soon as she was in her quarters the queen took off her crown and placed it on her dressing table. She sat on the edge of her bed with a rueful sigh.

She was close to her thirties, she had ruled Romanov since she had turned nineteen and the weight of some responsibilities was making her sleepy.

Since she was twenty-five years old, her advisers forced her to marry, and the law said that a king could marry until at least his forty years old since men can promote heirs until their death. queens had to marry until their thirty-second birthday.

This law came from the first reigns of the Russian dynasty and prevented any member of the royal family from breaking it, thus implying the duty of marriage.

Luckily the royalty could marry for love or with some commoner without name and titles since the only obligation was marriage to produce heirs.

Ascension to the throne came not by birth but by bloodshed, and that was how Natasha Romanoff had ascended the throne.

Natasha was the result of a relationship between two brothers and had to fight William, her brother for the throne.

William lost to Natasha and because of the shame of having lost to a woman he ended up killing himself.

Even at a young age Natasha was strong and fearless, she had earned the respect of her subjects by fighting her enemies and protecting her kingdom.

She thought that just that was enough but she was wrong, so she was stalked by Romanov's court forcing her to marry. Revolted by the idea, she decided that she would run any men who weren't worthy of her.

She had known her sexuality at an early age and used it to her advantage.


- Captain Steve Rogers has served in the United States for the past fifteen years and is of Greek and Irish blood.

- What's he doing here? - Natasha asked paying little attention to the file of the man in front of her.

Wanda Maximoff the queen's cousin leaned a little to the side.

- He came to have a night with your Majesty. - she said.

- Did he volunteer? -Natasha asked, doubt and disbelief were obvious in her tone.

- Yes - Wanda confirmed looking carefully at the queen.

- But that's against the decree.

- Not at all, majesty. -Natasha looked at her and Wanda knew she needed to get on with her train of thought. - There is no clause or objection about a man volunteering to try to ask for your hand.

Natasha thought for a moment about it, she was tired she had spent the last few days in intense training with her men, a little fun would help her relax.

- All right. Prepare it, I want it ready by eight o'clock.

With a bow Wanda left the queen's quarters with a confident smile, she had already seen the man and was pretty sure tonight would be different.


- Beautiful isn't it? Steve Rogers stopped admiring the painting in front of him and turned to see who had entered the room.

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