Erotic Massage - Romanogers | Single Chapter

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I was becoming a damn stalkear or crazy.

My father had been dating a woman ten years older than him for just over a year. On this vacation they called me to stay with them and so meet Maggie's daughter.

I had never seen her but the moment I laid eyes on her I knew I needed to taste her taste.

Kind of crazy right? Yeah, I know.

I followed her to every possible corner and we even went to a party where between drinks we ended up kissing.

For me it was like going to heaven, for her I don't know. I got a slap in the face and a knee in the Netherlands as we walked away.

From that day on, she avoided me but always managed to take a cone, a peck here or discreetly pass my hand on her thigh. Maybe not so discreetly since she was giving me death glares with those pretty green eyes.

I was obsessed and now I was doing something that would earn me good slaps or a jail cell.

As a teenager in puberty I took the bathroom key and hid it. Childish I know, but I wouldn't miss the opportunity that was happening right now.

Natasha was in the shower!



Genius, dressed would not be.

She was washing her hair with her back to the door, even under the cloudy glass I could see her curves.

The water running down her body made me want to lick every drop.

I felt my little friend get up inside the prison of my underwear and I even wanted to take him out of there and pet him but I held back.

Natasha hummed a low song in Spanish that should have a sensual beat as she swayed sometimes.

As soon as he finished removing the shampoo from his hair, he began to apply the conditioner and massage the strands.

I wanted those hands to massage another place...

I heard footsteps in the hallway and to hide I went into the bathroom and accidentally slammed the door.

I closed my eyes and groaned internally.

Natasha gave a startled little cry and I opened my eyes in time to see her cover herself with the towel. As soon as our eyes met, his face took on a rosy tinge of anger and I was almost embarrassed to be peeking.


A knock on the door startled me and I jumped away as if being close would burn me. And I didn't doubt that I could.

I ended up stopping in front of Natasha who still didn't say anything.

Toc toc.

- Daughter?

- Yes? - Natasha answered her mother without breaking our eye contact.

I loved it when we were so close, I could see that her eyes besides green had brown flecks and sparkled more than emeralds.

Her hair was dripping onto the floor but she didn't seem to mind.

- Me and Helton are going out to dinner. Don't wait for us tonight, okay?

I lifted my hand and started stroking her face lightly, she let out a sigh as we continued to look at each other and seemed to forget that her mother was on the other side and had just asked a question.

- Natasha? How are you? - Her mother knocked on the door and Natasha shouted her confirmation.

As soon as I heard Maggie's footsteps leaving the hallway, I pulled Natasha around the waist and pressed our lips together.

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