Like Cat And Dog × evansson | Part 2\ End

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Driver Bonus.

Chapter not hot.


Silence dominated the car, the partition was down so a few minutes after leaving the streets of London the driver turned on the car radio. Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles dominated the car's small speaker.

And I'm home bound
Staring blankly ahead
just making my way
making way
through the crowd

The driver began humming the song under his breath, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove.

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder

Suddenly the two began to scream, insults hurled and their voices extremely raised.

- Suzan, Jessica, Mariana and even the accounting girl. - the voice was female - Did you even know her name?

- Lilian, the lip piercing. She did things with her mouth that you can't even imagine.

Interested, the driver leaned towards the car's partition and slowed down a bit.

- Is that you? - Shouted the male voice - Wearing those tight skirts, leaning towards customers, rubbing her breasts in their faces to instigate them to desire the unattainable just as you do to me.

Another wave of curses vibrated and the driver tried to pay attention to the road, with each insult from the male voice he eagerly awaited the well-given answers from the female voice.

- Puppy. - the word was full of disgust coming from her.

- Bitch. - the enraged man had countered until silence came.

The driver frowned thoughtfully.

Had they finally killed each other? It was his thought.

Maybe it would be better to check if everything was alright back there. He thought right away.

He was about to open the partition and peek when he heard a moan soon followed by another, taken by curiosity he opened the partition a little tidying the rearview mirror he gaped at what he saw.

The beautiful blonde was in the lap of the man kissing his neck while his hands smoothed her toned thighs, the woman moaned and rolled in his lap who seemed to rub against her.

Afraid of being caught spying he quickly closed the partition trying to focus on the road.

Soon the moans grew louder and the driver was sure that if it were a slightly smaller car it would be bouncing on the streets of London.

He turned up the volume on the radio but that didn't help to drown out the moaning noises that dominated the car.

A car honked at his side and when he turned to see, a woman was pointing to the back of his car and making obscene movements with her hands as if simulating what should have been going on back there, he silently ignored the woman and closed the window .

Soon the minutes passed, the woman screamed and either she had reached the apex or the man had broken her neck.

Again taken by curiosity he opened the partition and saw the woman kneeling on the floor, the man had his legs spread and her head rose and fell probably on the guy's member.

He soon closed the partition again.

A low moan was heard and then only silence. Now the music really seemed to be too loud and he turned it down a little.

Five minutes later a knock was heard and he opened the partition to see the man standing there, shirtless and hair disheveled.

Chris gave his address to the driver who promptly said he would take them, wanted to get rid of them soon.

Soon the partition was closed and within twenty minutes the driver stopped in front of an apartment complex.

The two got out, the blonde avoided looking at the driver, her dress was all messed up, her hair was messed up and the man's jacket was on her shoulders, he in turn had his shirt open, his tie thrown over his shoulder and his open belt.

With one last look, the driver walked away, leaving them alone to continue on for God knows what.

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