Tentation et Punition - evansson | Part 1

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A Tale of 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔, 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆


The voice of one of the shareholders is boring and makes me sleepy.

I should be paying close attention to what is said and discussed at this meeting, I would soon be assuming the presidency of Johansson Enterprise.

I tap my fingers absently on the table and glance at the woman beside me who owns my thoughts.

I know she can feel my gaze on her but she continues to stare straight ahead, focused on what Mark Ruffalo is saying.

My mind wandered about our last night.

- Don't make fun of Christopher. Scarlett ordered firmly.

- Damn. - I whispered.

- Did you hear me? - she pressed.

- Yes, love. - I managed to say.

She nodded and turned away.

And there she whipped me.

Legs and hips, my entire body actually shook and swayed against the restraints as she whipped my ass, the backs of my thighs, the insides of them, and again the ass. She dodged the balls with the lashes, but stayed at the end of the table and, with the tip of the whip's leather bent, lashed lightly at the sides.

That's when she caught me.

I eased my pleasure for her to hear, moans this time, not grunts, long, cutting across the room as my legs tensed, fists clenched and released. My hips swayed in such a way that she knew if, if I was free, she would push forward or backward to step back.

“Baby,” I growled, informing me that it was over.

She smiled.

I pushed forward once more.

I would have to take it longer. She would tell me when it was over.

She gave my balls one more time.

Then she whipped more.

My head was dipping into the table, my jaw tense, my body almost limp with the attempt to stay still as she went to the other table again, braced for the next one, and came back.

My eyes widened.

– Scarlett...

– Do I own you whole? - she asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

'Then, being mine, I'll enjoy what's mine,' she declared, walking over to the control panel.

She pressed the button and the blinds began to go up, both white…and black.

She heard me grunt but ignored her as she walked to the table.

She focused on my eyes as she placed her foot, still wearing her pump, on the small step, put a knee on the table beside my ribs, and rose.

She positioned herself, adjusting her pussy to my face.

My body remained tense.

- Do not lift your head to get to me until I give myself to you, right?

“Okay,” I said through gritted teeth.

She bent down to untie the laces and took off her panties.

“Torture, Scarlett,” I whispered. – Damn, it's very beautiful.

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