The Baby Is Not Baby - romanogers | Part 1

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The avengers were returning from a mission. Clint was driving and beside him was Tony, Bruce was lost somewhere reading a book.

Natasha Romanoff had been admiring Captain America for a long time.

The blonde was sitting in the far corner with a notebook and pencil in his hands and seemed pretty focused on what he was doing.

Tired of just admiring from afar Natasha got up and went to where the blonde was, she stood in front of him and soon the blonde noticed the shadow in front of her and stopped drawing.

- What are you doing? - she asked.

- Drawing. - He replied a little shy.

- I can see?

Steve hesitated a moment but then handed the notebook to the redhead who looked at the drawing in surprise.

- This is me? she asked with a sideways smile.

- It depends... - he hesitated - Did you like it?

- Wow, that's great.

Steve got up and stood next to Natasha and said: - It is you.

Natasha laughed lightly and ran her fingers over her features in awe of his work.

- That's cute, but what if I didn't like it?

- I would still be you but I would feel like an idiot. - Natasha laughed again and the sound caught the attention of the companions who looked surprised at their interaction.

- Can I keep the drawing?

- Clear!

During the rest of the ride home, the two chatted animatedly about art and other related topics. They barely noticed when they arrived at the Avengers compound.


Over time the two were getting closer and creating a good friendship but Natasha wanted something more so she called him to go to an art exhibition with her, he soon accepted and even without the word being said between them the two were fully aware that that would be a date.


Steve was a little nervous, today he was going out with Natasha Romanoff the dreaded black widow, they had been getting along very well right after a mission where she saw and liked one of her drawings.

He had drawn her almost without realizing it, he was so focused on the lines that he almost didn't realize he was drawing the very woman who had been tormenting his thoughts lately.

Natasha Romanoff was cold and distant, he thought the Russian woman didn't like him but that idea soon dissipated when they flirted lightly.

From the day of the drawing they really started talking and meeting to train, the two had a lot in common, a fact that helped the good relationship they created.

Steve was in the Avengers' room on the second floor of the complex, he was propped up on one of the couches, his back to the TV and his buddies watching a comedy series.

Soon the elevator beep sounded and the elevator doors opened revealing a stunning redhead.

Natasha walked towards Steve with a small smirk, she wore a burgundy spaghetti strap dress, a black heel paired with a purse and her hair was down and thrown back, her hip sway was smooth and Steve took it. your time admiring her.

She took advantage of Steve's slow assessment of her to do one of his as well.

Steve wore a black blouse and a brown leather jacket over it, he wore jeans and images of his ass dominated her thoughts, she shook her head slightly and concentrated on his eyes that glowed admiring her.

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