Mr Rogers' Nanny - romanogers - Part 2/end

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I moaned when he said that, my hands reaching down to rub his hard cock through his pants. He groaned and squeezed into my hands. He was sucking on my neck, one hand on my chest and the other rubbing up and down my hips. I tipped my head back, moaning when he touched me.

Without warning, he placed his hands on the back of my thighs and pulled my legs apart. In a single, swift movement, he lifted me off the ground. I screamed, shocked, and wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his hard cock pressing against me as he turned around, carried me to the bed and gently placed me on the edge, his lips pressed against mine the entire time.

He pulled away from me gently, smiling for a moment before going to the door, closing it fully and locking it. I smiled at him as he turned to me, leaning back into my arms and opening my legs a little.

"Fuck off," he said, glaring at me. I laughed and he came back, sitting next to me on the bed. I leaned forward and kissed him again.

Every time his lips touched mine, I felt a small shock run through me, almost taking my breath away. I let one leg rest in his lap, and he slipped his hand through mine. I shuddered when he touched me, his hands leaving a trail of goosebumps behind them as I felt what felt like waves of electricity coursing through my body.

His hand trailed down my leg and hip, along the bare skin on the side of my stomach, and finally came to rest on my chest, over the top of my pink tank top. My nipples were already hard, and he pinched the left one lightly through my top. I gasped when he did and he kissed me harder.

My nipples are incredibly sensitive, and each time he rolled one between his fingers, my clit throbbed. I moaned against his mouth and he reached out with his other hand, cupping my other breast and pinching the nipple as well.

I could barely stand it, and I suddenly broke the kiss. He looked at me, a little alarmed, but I just laughed and pushed him back on the bed. I straddled his lap, leaning down to kiss him as I started to unbutton his shirt. He flicked his tongue against my mouth, his hands reaching out to rest on my ass.

When I finished unbuttoning his shirt, I gently rubbed myself against the bulge in his pants. He groaned loudly and thrust upward, grinding his hard cock against my clit. I groaned and pushed his shirt off. The second he took her out of his arms, he started tugging at the hem of the little tank top I was wearing.

I let him push it off a bit before leaning back a little, grabbing the hem and pulling the material tight over my head. My breasts bounced out of the shirt as I pulled it over them, and I heard Mr. Rogers inhale sharply as I finished pulling it over my head and dropping it to the floor. When I looked up at him, his eyes were wide as he looked down at my breasts.

- All very well? - I asked. I looked down at my body. My breasts felt swollen just from the little bit of kissing and touching we'd done. I was getting so hot, and I knew my skin was flushed, the pink tinge spreading from my cheeks to the base of my neck. Mr. Rogers seemed to be enjoying it anyway, and he stared at me for a long moment before he said anything.

"Your breasts are amazing," he gasped.

He gently pushed me off of him so I was lying on my back, then immediately pressed his mouth to my breasts. I moaned as he licked and sucked. He lavished attention on one before switching sides, cupping my other breast in his hand as he rolled his tongue around my nipple.

My legs were spread and he was lying between them, and before long my pussy was throbbing so badly I had to arch my back and rub myself against him, needing some friction on my clit. Without moving his lips from my chest, he reached out and gently rubbed my slit through my shorts.

It was amazing. His fingers were skilled and felt so good against my throbbing pussy. It still wasn't enough, however, and I gently pulled his head from my breasts, kissing him hard as I reached down to unzip his pants. I quickly undid them and he let me push them down and throw them to the floor. He was wearing boxers, and I could see his cock straining against it, the bulge enticing me. I ran my hands along his chest and stomach before sliding one under the waistband and wrapping it around his cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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