Exchange Of Letters - evansson | erotic tale

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From: SJ

To: CE


I dreamed with you yesterday.

I woke up sweating, nailed to the bed, my pajamas stuck to my body, wanting to cry and my skin vibrating.

I was angry at my imagination, remembering you even when I'm sleeping, as if that would make my life easier.

I contemplated the dimness of my room, the early morning silence. My body was feverish and I'm tired of fighting the things I feel, of kicking you out of my thoughts every time you get into them, when it's always hard for me not to want what I want. And I want. In fact more than I want. I wish.

And lust is the most powerful adrenaline shot I've ever experienced. It's the thing that makes me feel most alive, alive and existing. It's a pain that spreads through my entire body and no matter how many times I feel it, every time it's like I'm a virgin again, the urge to blindly surrender to my instincts without thinking about the consequences.

My sigh cuts through the stuffy air in the room. My hand discovers my face, I bring my index finger to my mouth. I let my saliva wet my fingers and slip my hands into my pajama pants. My skin is boiling, and the first touch makes me dizzy. I'm tired of kicking you out of my mind. You are now my guest.

I imagine you in front of me, with your torso naked.

Bringing his face close to mine until I can smell him. Running his hands around my waist through my shirt. Dropping down to my hips, lifting my legs to make me sit on the desk behind me. I stare at you and you're serious, as you rarely are. Gently, he spreads my legs at the knees and positions himself between them. I feel a twinge of excitement contract my muscles and run my hands down his arms, squeezing, feeling, until they entwine at the back of his neck. His hands move up my thighs in the same way. Squeezing, pinching. At the height of my hips, you tuck your hands inside my shirt, hold my waist tightly and move your touch up my belly, until you reach my breasts, running your fingertips over my nipples and making me moan softly. You play with me some more, torturing me, before lifting your shirt and tossing it on the bedroom floor.

I feel his fingers moving up my back, the back of my neck, gripping the underside of my hair and pulling hard enough to make me dig my nails into his skin. Your face is very close to mine now. I feel your breath as you tease me, brushing your lips against mine, making me feel like I'm going to die if you don't kiss me in the next twenty seconds.

And then you kiss me. And I invade your mouth like a wave, flooding you with all this desire I have inside, with how much I want you, and it only serves you, our torsos clinging together as you pull my hair and pull me closer , and I reach down with my nails tearing the skin from your back to your ass, making you brush your hips against mine. I feel my panties getting wet at the feel of his cock touching me under my pants.

Hard, just for me.

Your kiss is like a flame, it always touches the right spots on me, it makes me dizzy, drunk to be yours, to give you everything you want, to do everything you want and I kiss you, over and over and more, until I start to feel my lips swelling, until I'm pushing my hips lightly against his. I furtively open my eyes, as I always have, to watch you kiss me back, brow furrowed and face contorted in pain, and for a second I think you're just as overwhelmed with desire as I am...

I break the kiss with a bite, burrowing my face into his neck to soak up the scent of him, and his hands run up the inside of my thighs again, coming to the front of my pants. The thin pajama cloth and my tiny panties aren't exactly efficient barriers, and you feel how luscious I'm horny for you snorting softly.

- I want. - You say in that hoarse voice that only I know, which is mine alone.

- All yours. - I answer with a hurt smile because it's much more fun to know how to play when you're up against a worthy opponent. You smile back, pushing me back onto the desk, shrugging off your pants and panties, spreading my legs as far apart as possible, leaving me wide open, exposed, throbbing for you.

I almost cry out when his tongue finds me, running through me like a brush, mixing his saliva with my cum, digging into every little corner as I'm panting on the table, pulling at your hair, pressing your face against me, and you put my thigh on your shoulder and go thirstier to the pot, sucking and making me moan loudly, and when I remember you told me once that you sometimes feel like biting when you suck a cunt I almost goI zo, thrusting my hips against his mouth. You stop, your hair messed up, your cheeks red.

- Not yet.

- So come.

And you give me exactly what I need. He doesn't even bother to take off his pants completely, in a hurry, and invades me. I hear my mouth make incoherent sounds as my pussy opens, gives way to make you fit inside me. And soon your hands are digging into my hips, setting the right angle for you to go as deep as you can, as deep as you want and I can't stop moaning and asking you to go harder and never stop most.

In real life, I pressed my lips together tight so no sound escaped and came on my fingers, soaking wet and exhausted. When I blinked, you were gone.

I was alone in my room again.


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