Friends Night - blackhill/hillmanoff | Single Chapter

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This was too much.

Natasha knew that the world needed help and that Agent Hill did everything to make the redhead feel cool at the agency but this time she had gone overboard.

Hill had called the Russian and told her skills were needed in an emergency in Central Park. The Russian readily accepted and headed to the scene without knowing what the emergency was.

Upon arriving she was faced with a scene that could be considered pathetic for the former elite assassin that she was, let's be honest it was pathetic even for the new Natasha.

A kitten trapped in a tree. That was the emergency.

Natasha even wanted to turn away but that cat had a mistress who at that moment was crying at the foot of the tree.

The redhead climbed the tree and saved the cat but promised herself she wouldn't put up with that kind of thing anymore. Agent Hill would meet the real Natasha and never belittle her on missions again.


Maria Hill came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel while drying her hair with another, but she stopped short when she faced the figure sitting on her bed.

- What are you doing here? - the brunette asks scared but with a pose of superiority facing Romanoff. - That's invasion.

Natasha shrugged.

- We need to talk . - the redhead declares.

- No. You need to leave my apartment now.

Natasha watches the brunette's body from top to bottom and bites her lower lip, what had brought her there didn't matter anymore, all she could think about was having that woman beneath her.

Hill hugs the towel closer to her body with Romanoff's gaze on her.

- Get out! -she screams but before she can move to the door she is grabbed by Natasha who leans her against the wall before taking her lips in a kiss.

Her mouths meet in a kiss that is demanding and full of desire, Natasha's hands removed the towel from the brunette and then she pulls away to look at the other's body, which still had splashes of water.

The brunette's body is very defined, although thin she has an attractive physique, in Maria's eyes, Nat watched her with a warm gaze.

- What's it? If you're going to make fun of my body, why wouldn't I get to your feet? Spare me.

- What? Of course not. - Natasha speaks indignantly.

- Then why are you looking at me like that?

- Because you are very hot!

Natasha approaches the brunette again and kisses her in a sexy way, running her hands over her curves and gently squeezing her waist, making Hill gasp softly.

Natasha's mouth makes a path to the brunette's breast and her tongue curls around her nipple where she starts to suck it causing Hill to arch her spine towards her mouth writhing in pleasure.

The brunette couldn't help but spread her legs in silent invitation.

-Romanoff ...-the name comes out of Maria's mouth as a moan when having her request granted by Natasha's finger that was introduced in her entrance and started to make back and forth movements. But that wasn't enough and she found herself almost pleading as she dug her nails into the shorter one's shoulders. - Most...

Natasha smiles minimally seeing what is capable of making the agent feel, the redhead kisses the brunette's lips once more and whispers: - We're not in a hurry, the night is just beginning.

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