around you - heejin - hyunjin

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request: @Heejins_actualgf
length: 15.38k
I have a Yveseul agenda

Heejin was drunk again.

It wasn't even the first time this week. It seemed like the weeks blurred together anyway, all just mindless days of partying and going home with a girl who's name she didn't remember. Heejin liked it like that, no feelings, no emotions, no room for heartbreak. She was Jeon Heejin, for Christ's sake, the most popular girl on college campus. She was untouchable, and everyone knew what they were getting into when they went home with her. She'd never speak to them again, maybe once or twice if the night had been good. But Jeon Heejin didn't do relationships. She had once, and that had gone up in flames. She never would again, she had promised herself. She didn't want to be weak.

Heejin wasn't picky but she did expect the best. When doing her rounds at yet another frat party, her eyes landed on a girl she hadn't seen before, one with long black hair and dressed rather warmly considering the sheer heat of the bodies dancing around them. Heejin thought she was cute.

"Hey," Heejin called to her, flashing her signature smile. "Can a I get you a drink?"

The girl regarded her for a moment, the let out a little snort and shook her head. "I'm good,"

"Aw, don't be like that," Heejin's smile didn't falter and she only moved closer. "I can't even talk to you?"

The unknown girl pursed her lips. "Aren't you Jeon Heejin?"

"The one and only," Heejin winked.

"I think I'll pass," She brushed Heejin off and walked away, leaving a dumbstruck Heejin in her wake.

Who rejects the most popular girl on campus?

Heejin quickly came to her senses and chased after the brunette, smoothing her own hair and adjusting the dark leather jacket she wore. Any girl would swoon when they saw her, Heejin knew she looked good tonight.

This girl wasn't straight, no straight girl showed up to a party hosted by Jeong Jinsol and her girlfriend. She was just playing hard to get.

"I don't even know your name," Heejin pouted, and the girl gave her side eye.

"You don't usually know the name of the girl you're about to fuck, do you?"

So she was gay enough to have heard of Heejin.

"I know the names of the pretty ones," Heejin offered.

"Charming," The girl chuckled and stalked off again, leaving a now confused Heejin behind her.

Did I just get rejected?

Heejin wasn't trying to be arrogant, really, that just never happened. It wasn't arrogant to say that she knew she was beautiful, she was just a fact. She had an amazing body from being on the swimming team, an amazing smile, and she was hilarious (maybe she was bragging a little bit). Girls fell for her so easily, so Heejin wasn't used to this girl's indifference. It didn't feel good.

Another thing about Heejin, she was determined.

"What if I want to know your name?" Heejin called after her, following the strange girl out of the crowd and toward's Jinsol's kitchen.

"Why would you?" The girl turned her head just a bit, to give Heejin a look.

"Because I have a weakness for beautiful women," Heejin got closer once the girl stopped, and she could see the woman's eyes better. Damn, they were beautiful. "I just want to get to know you, how am I supposed to see you again if I can't attach a name to a face?"

"That's not something you do, Jeon Heejin," The girl gave her a very insincere smile. "You don't see girls again, you ghost them once you've..." She raised a brow.

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