Chapter 2 - you're pretty sexy when you get angry

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Your POV

Theres an awkward silence between the students. Suddenly there's a loud snapping sound from across the room. Everyone turns around to see Allison biting her nails.

"If you keep eating your hand, you're not gonna be hungry for lunch" Bender tells her. She spits a nail at him.

"I've seen you before you know" Bender says
"You too" he says while pointing at me.
I look at him and give him a small smile, nothing to big.

Bender turns back around and crumbles up his piece of paper, and throws it at Claire and Andrew. They both ignore it.

"I can't believe this is really happening to me" Claire mumbles.

"Oh shit!" Bender begins "What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?" He questioned.
"Please.." Claire says disgustingly

"If ya gotta go.." he says before unzipping his pants. I give him a low whistle before laughing a bit.

"Hey, you're not urinating here man!" Andrew says. "You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!"

Bender zips his pants up again. I lean over the table before saying: "you're pretty sexy when you get angry". Bender let's a growl escape his lips before standing up and walking away from his table.

"Hey homeboy" Bender points at Brian "Why don't you go close that door. We'll get the Prom Queen over here, impregnated"

"Hey" The Athlete demands but Bender ignores him. "Hey!" He tries again. Bender finally looks at him "what?"

"If I lose my temper, you're totalled man!"
"Totally?" Bender says, full sarcasm.

"Why don't you just shut up! Nobody's interested." Claire joins in.
"I happen to be very interested" I say while raising my hand a bit.
"What's wrong with you Sporto?" I ask him. "What did you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?"

"Look, just because you two live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass, so knock it off!" Andrew says.

I look at him for a while before saying "it's a free country"

"They're just doing it to get a raise out of you. Just ignore them" Claire tells Andrew.

"Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried" Bender smirks.

"Are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend?" I wonder.

"Steady dates?" Bender joins in.
"Maybe lovers?"

"Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot-beef-injection?" Bender grins.
Andrew and Claire yell at us to shut up, but that makes Bender only grin wider. He's clearly satisfied with their reaction.

"What do you say if we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking on us every few seconds" Bender says before deciding to sit on the rail.

"Well, the door is supposed to stay open.." Brian says quietly.
"So what?" I say.

"So why don't you just shut up!" Andrew says "there's five other people here you know"

"Oh so you can count!" I exclaim.

"You don't even count y/l/n. I mean, you could disappear and it wouldn't make any difference. You don't even exist at this school" Andrew says. I give him a dry laugh. tears prickling in my eyes, but I hold them back.

"It's not like you make a difference, Sporto" Bender angrily says to him.

"Yeah, I'll just join the Prep Club!" I exclaim.
"Yeah" Bender starts "maybe Student Council too!"

"No, they wouldn't take you."
"You know why you guys knock everything?" Claire asks, but not waiting for an answer.

"Oh, this should be stunning" Bender mumbles.

"It's cause you're afraid"

I let out an dramatic gasp and say: "Damn, you richies are so smart! That's exactly why I'm not into heavy activities!" I say full sarcasm.

"You two are big cowards. You're afraid they won't take you. You don't belong, so you just dump all over it."

"Well, it wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being assholes, now would it?" Bender adds on.

"Well, you wouldn't know, you don't know any of us" Claire says.

"Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join one of their fucking clubs" I tell them.

"Ey, let's watch the mouth, huh?" Andrew reacts.

I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes. This is going to be a long day. I hear Brian rant about something, but I don't pay attention.

"Ha, sounds like you two" Claire says, I open my eyes at that and just mumble some small things back.

"Look, you guys keep talking and Vernon is gonna come right in here. I got a meeting this Saturday and I'm not gonna miss it on the account of you boneheads" Andrew says angrily.

"I couldn't care less about your meeting, dude" I tell him.

John gets up and walk up to the open door.

"Yknow, there's not supposed to be any monkey business" Brian tells him.

"Young man, have you finished your paper" Bender speaks, imitating Vernon.

"What's he gonna do?" Claire wonders
"Drop dead, I hope" Andrew mutters.

John messes with the door for a few seconds, before it closes with a loud 'bang'. Bender runs back to his seat and tosses me a screw, I tuck it away in my boots.

"Am I a genius?"

"No! You're an asshole! Fix the door!" Andrew yells.

"Goddammit!!" Vernon yells from his office, making the library go silent...

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