Chapter 7 - being bad feels pretty good

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Your POV

"How do you know where Vernon went" Claire questions.
"I don't.." Bender answers.
"Well then, how do you know when he'll be back?"
"I don't" Bender, once again, answers
"Being bad feels pretty good, huh?" I tell her.

"What's the point in going to Bender's locker?" Brain asks.
" I don't know" Andrew responds
"So, then what are we doing?"
"I don't know"

We eventually make it to Bender his locker. There is 'FAG' written over it in big letters.

"Why's that on your locker?" I ask him.
"I didn't do it, some Jockeys did" he says while glaring at Andrew.

When the locker opened, a guillotine is triggered. It cuts off the end of an old shoe.

"Slob" Andrew mutters.
"My maid's on vacation" Bender spits back.

He pulls a paper bag out of his locker. He pulls another bag out of it, then another, before actually getting to what he wants: Weed.

"Drugs" Brian mumbles

"Screw that Bender! Put it back!" Andrew yells.
"Don't get you jock in a twist Sporto" I spit back at him.

"We'll cross through the lab, and we'll double back" Bender suggests
"You better be right, if Vernon cuts us off it's your fault asshole!" Andrew tells him.
"We've done this shit before, no worries" I tell the athlete.

Suddenly, I see Vernon, walking on the other side of the hall, he doesn't see us though. We all run the opposite direction, we run down a few halls before Bender stops.

"Wait, wait, wait, we have to go through the cafeteria" Bender says
"No, the activities hall" Andrew joins in.
"You don't know shit about this Sporto" I tell him off.
"No, you don't know what you're talking about! We're through listening to you bastards, we're going this way" Andrew says while everyone follows him.

I grab Bender's hand, making him look at me
"Might as well go down with them" I tell him

We start running after them, still holding hands. Suddenly we get stopped by an iron gate.

"Great idea, Sporto" I spit at Andrew.
"Fuck you" he yells back.
"Fuck you! Why didn't you listen to John?" Claire questions him.

"We're dead" Brian says.
"No... just me" Bender mutters.

I stare at him with wide eyes. Is he suggesting what I think he is?? He sticks the pack of weed down Brian his pants. He turns to Andrew and says: "Make sure y/n gets back safely, otherwise you're dead"

He turns to me. He grabs my face and gives me a kiss on the lips. My cheeks turning bright red.
He pulls away and runs down the halls, singing: "I wanna be an airborne ranger"

I stare for a few moments before feeling that Andrew pulls me along, towards the library.

We make it back to the library, quickly sitting down at our tables. Eventually Vernon walks in, pushing Bender with him.

"Mr. Wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you that you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." Vernon explains.

"B-O-O-H-O-O" Bender spells out. I let out a small laugh.

"Everything is just a big joke to you two, isn't it?" Vernon questions "The graffiti stunt you pulled, y/l/n. And the false alarm you pulled Friday, Bender. False alarms are really funny, aren't they? What if your home, what if your family..... what if your dope was on fire?"

"That's impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear" I tell him. Making Andrew and Bender laugh.

"You think they're funny? You think they're cute? You think they're bitchin, is that it? Let me tell you something. Look at them, they're a bum." Vernon says.

"That's not true" I hear Bender whisper.

"You wanna know something funny? You go visit y/l/n in five years, you'll see them in a goddamn prison where no one knows their name" Vernon spits
"What's the matter? You gonna cry?"
I don't answer him, like he wants to.

"Let's go Bender" Vernon says while grabbing Bender but he smacks his hands of of him. "Keep your fucking hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Dick"

Bender walks over to me, leans down and kisses my forehead. He then walks over to Andrew and sets his sunglasses on his table

"For better hallway vision"

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