Chapter 8 - Are you threatening me?

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Bender's POV

"That's the last time Bender. That's the last time you make me look bad in front of those kids, do you hear me? I make $31.000 a year and I have a home, and I'm not about to throw it away on some troublemaker like you. But someday, man, someday, when you're outta here and you've forgotten all about this place, and they've forgotten all about you and you're wrapped us in you own pathetic life... I'm gonna be there, that's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit out of you, I'm gonna knock you to the dirt!" Vernon yells at me.

"Are you threatening me?" I ask.

"What are you gonna do about it? You think anybody's gonna believe you?" Vernon questioned. "I'm a man of respect around here. They love me here. I'm a swell guy, and you're a lying sack of shit. And everybody knows it."

I avoid looking at him. Would y/n believe me?
Do they also think of me this way?

"Let's find out how tough you are! Come on, I'll give you the first punch, let's go! Please, I'm begging you, take a shot. Come on, just one swing!" He begs me.

I just sit there, i don't move. I'm not gonna give him what he wants.

"That's what I're a gutless turd" he slams the door close and locks it. Now I'm locked in the supplies closet...

Come on John, keep your head high. I look up to the hatch in the ceiling. I have an idea.

Your POV

I hear some rustling, where does that sound come from?

"You hear that?" I ask the group
"Hear wh-"

"OH SHIT!!" We see Bender falling through the ceiling, we all do quiet. "Forgot my pencil" he says while walking down the stairs. I smirk at him.

"Goddammit!!" We hear Vernon yell out of his office. Bender runs to my table and hides under is as Vernon walks into the library.

"What was that ruckus?" He angrily asks.
"Uh, what ruckus?" Claire asks back at him.
"I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus"
"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" I ask.
"Watch your tongue!"

Bender then hits his head under the table. Andrew and I cover up the sound by smacking our hands on the table.

"What is that? What is that noise?"
"What noise?"

Bender then proceeds to slip of my boot and sock. He tickles under my feet. I try my best to hide a giggle but I fail. I luckily can cover it up with coughing, everyone else follows it.

(Edit: I see a lot of negative comments about this part. I want to remind you all that I wrote this story when I was 12 years old, I'm turning 18 this year. So don't be so hard on 12 year old me please lol. I edited this scene to Bender tickling under the readers feet instead of the original scene, because this dude literally SA'd Claire in the original scene. That's a very sensitive topic for some readers and I don't want to trigger anyone. Thank you for reading and understanding)

"I will not be made a fool of!" Vernon says and then walks out of the library.

Bender comes out from under the desk with a smirk on his face. I smack his back as he does.
"It was an accident!" He laughs.

Bender stands up and walks over to Brian.
"So, Ahab .... Kybo Mein Doobage..?"
Brian pulls the package out of his pants and hands it over to Bender. He then walks over to me and grabs my hand, he pulls me with him to the back of the library.

"Yo waistoids, you're not gonna blaze up in here!" We hear Andrew yell.

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