Chapter 3 - the word is an imperfect place

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Your POV

"Why is that door closed?!" Vernon yells, while walking into the library.

"How are we supposed to know?" I question him "we're not supposed to move, right?"

"We're just sitting here like we're supposed to" Claire answers.

"I think a screw fell out" Bender shrugged.

"Who?!" Vernon yells, while glaring at Allison, who hits her head against the table.
"She doesn't talk sir" Bender says.

"Give me that screw" Vernon demands Bender.
"I don't have it"
"You want me to yank you out of that seat and shake it out of you?!" Vernon threatens.

"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place" I join in.

Vernon loses it, he goes back to the door and tries to hold it open with a chair.
"The door is way to heavy sir" Bender states out the obvious. The door closes again.

Vernon demands Andrew to help him put a giant magazine rack by the door.
"That's very clever sir, but what if there's a fire?" Bender says "yeah, I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir" I state.

Vernon pauses for a second before yelling at Andrew to stop and to get back to his seat.

"You two are not fooling anybody, y/l/n and Bender. The next screws that are gonna fall out is gonna be you two!" Vernon says to Bender and me. Bender mumbles something under his breath "what was that?" Vernon asks.

"Eat. My. Shorts"

"You just bought yourself another Saturday, mister"

"Oh Christ.."

"You just bought one more right there"

"Well, I'm free the Saturday after that, but beyond that, I'm gonna have to check my calendar"

"Good! Because it's gonna be filled, we'll keep going! You want another one? Say the word, just say the word! Instead of going to prison, you'll come here! Are you-"

"Just fucking stop Vermin" I groan.

"Well y/l/n, you just got one too!"

"Oh great" I say full sarcasm.

"You just got another one! Want another one?"

"You really want me to be here, don't you?" I shrug.

"That's another one right there"

"You through?"

"And one more!"

"You really think i give a shit?" I ask him.

"There's another one, you through?"

"How many is that?" I ask curiously.

"That's four for Bender counting the Barry Manilow line and five for y/n" Brian joins in.

"No, it's five and six! Stay out of this Johnson"

"Sir, it's four and five" Brian repeats

"Shut up Peewee!" Vernon yells at Brian, I feel kinda bad for him. "I got you and Bender for a whole month. For a month, you're mine" Vernon tells me.

"I'm thrilled" I smirk.

"Oh, I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to believe in. You know something y/l/n? You ought to spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself and a little less time trying to impress people, you might be better off." Vernon yells at me. I have nothing to say to that. What does he know? He doesn't know anything about me.

"Alright, that's it! I'm gonna be right outside those doors. Next time I have to come in here I'm cracking skulls." Vernon says. I see bender mouthing the 'cracking skulls' part.

Vernon walks away, the door closes behind him. I try to have the last word by yelling "FUCK YOU"

Silence overtakes the library. I smack my head onto the table and shut my eyes. Thinking that this is the perfect time for a nap.

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