Chapter 2 - Tracing The Breeze

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I just finish Liyue main quest story yeay! I am really happy >w<)

I really excited to get my own teapot also can't wait to reach AR 40. I know I watch a lot of Xiao spoiler in youtube but still I want to experience it myself >:)

Well that is all about it... Enjoy the stories!


In ancient times, Liyue was a land of misery, where the shadow of evil loomed large.

As slain gods festered, their vengeful wrath cursed the world, manifesting in infernal forms. When demons stirred, miasmas, monsters-"


"Aww come on Paimon, not in Mr. Zhongli story telling time again..." Sigh the young bright blond bob girl. The girl also has two sections of hair on each other side of her head that have been left at shoulder-length, decorated with light blue flowers and feathers near his left ears.

"Can't I just have a peaceful time daydreaming about this handsome and hot history teacher... damn it..." Mumbled the girl really soft and quietly.

"Lumine, don't be mean like that to Paimon!" Says the young boy while elbowing his twin's waist. The boy has a medium cut with a long braided ponytail, bright blond hair. "You know she doesn't mean it, right, Paimon?" Says the young boy with his golden-yellow eyes shining with friendliness to the girl sitting next to him. He has the same eye colour as his twins as well.

"Hehe sorry." Says the girl with thick white hair cropped just above her shoulders as she put her hand on her head and stuck out her tongue. "Paimon can't help but be scared every time Paimon hears the word monster." Her dark purple eyes start flickering with fears again. "Monsters are scary."

"Do not worry, my dear student." All of the students immediately turned to their history teacher who is pouring tea into his cup right now.

"This all happened over 500 years ago." Zhongli, the history teacher, says calmly while sipping his tea gracefully.

"A never ending bloodshed finally reached its end, after living in eternal terror from our elder's past sins. Now we can live in a peaceful world once again." His amber with glowing yellow pupils set in the shape of diamond eyes looking at his surroundings.

Right now they are having a small picnic near one of the small towns in Mondstadt with his school students and his work colleague on sunday. Usually Zhongli holds this picnic once a month with his students taking history extracurriculars. But of course students who are not registered can also join this picnic as well. If they want to.

"Hmm.. Mr. Zhongli!"

"Yes, Paimon?" Zhongli looks at Paimon who is raising her right hand enthusiastically.

"So.. what happened to all the monsters and their friends?" Paimon says while tilting her head in confusion.

"Didn't Mr. Zhongli already explained this in the class a couple months-no.. years ago?" Says Lumine, looking at Paimon with the face saying 'are you kidding me?' while sighing in disappointment.

"Ah ha! You must be sleeping in the class while dreaming of food again are you!?"

"Hey! That's mean. Paimon is not that gluttony!"

"But that is the tru- aww! Aether, that hurt!"

"Shh... Be nice." Aether said while pinching her twin's waist.

"Just ignore her. She's just a bit hungry right now." Aether says casually while Lumine glares at him.

"I wonder if I can use these monsters as my cooking ingredients if they still exist...." Mumbled the young girl that has indigo-black hair with a pair of panda-like braided buns really softly. "They probably would give the unique taste that I was looking for all this time..."

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