Chapter 5 - Tracing The Breeze

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Some simple things but it has been so long since he has felt these kinds of feelings.


The little boy, now in his dragon form, tries to open his eyes, but a beaming light makes his eyes shut again. He tries to move but he can't feel his right wing.

"What's happening?" He mumbles softly, confused and scared.

He tries to open his eyes again but this time slowly, and again he sees a beaming light. He turns away from the light and for a minute his sight adjusts and now he can see clearly.

His eyes are greeted with green-no blue? He isn't sure what color it is but then he realizes something. He raises his right forelegs, comparing it with his skin and his eyes widen. The color is exactly the same as his dragon skin.

He never realizes how beautiful this color is. From now on this is his favorite color, this green-blueish color.

He continues to look around him and he is totally amazed. He has never seen a place as beautiful as this. There are so many foreign things that he doesn't know and seen before.

Unable to avoid his curiosity, he tries to stand up but then he feels something soft near his feet.

He looks down and sees something like a small square? He is not sure what that is. He puts his right forelegs slowly onto the object and is totally surprised when it kinda absorbs his forelegs. Very soft and fluffy. He loves it!

He is so distracted with that thing that he doesn't realize or hear the door open.

"Oh. You awake."

He jumps a little, totally startled, and immediately looks in the direction where the voice comes from.

He sees a young lady with long blue hair, which fades into a darker shade at the end, walks in with something in her hands.

He remembers what happened earlier. Those pesky humans... They are the reason why his right wing feels numb. They hurt him!

He backs away until his tail and body touches the wall. He can't find a place to hide himself or run away, he decides to curl up while keeping staring at the human with hate.

"What do you want.." The dragons growls dangerously in defence. He won't let himself get hurt again.

"Oh you can speak-" She widens her eyes in surprise. "That makes it easier then." She hums softly.

"Shh.. Calm down.." The young lady coos softly while putting down the stuff in her hand in some kind of wood. "I am not going to hurt you. I promise." She smiles genuinely.

"I-" He feels a warm feeling in his chest. He misses this feeling but he is also still afraid. He isn't sure but at least he lowers his guard and tries to relax.

His eyes keep watching every single movement of the lady. Then he notices something in the lady's head.

"You also have horns-" He says in surprise.

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