You're The One Part Two

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Babe, ain't no denyin'That I've got you in my head

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Babe, ain't no denyin'
That I've got you in my head

Jake slammed the front door shut behind him and threw his car keys down on the kitchen island. They slid across the smooth granite surface to tumble over the edge and onto the floor just to spite him, it seemed.

Sam, who had been lounging across the sofa, sat up upon his noisy arrival. "How'd the interview go?"

Jake ignored his brother's question momentarily, in favor of rummaging through the cabinets for a tall glass. Placing it down on the counter, he opened the fridge and withdrew a beer, pulling the tab with a satisfying pssst before pouring the pale liquid into his awaiting glass. "It was shit."

"I'm sure your being late had nothing to do with it," Danny commented as he entered the room, taking a seat on the couch next to Sam. The two shared a hearty laugh at his expense while Jake watched on in annoyance.

Taking a large gulp, Jake rolled his eyes. "I wasn't even that late," he tried to justify, albeit poorly. A couple hours beyond the scheduled appointment was surely pushing the boundaries of decency, but that's just how they were. Greta Van Fleet was never on time for anything.

"So was she hot? I've seen pictures, and she seems hot," Sam perked up. He was leaning forward now, his elbows resting on his knees and an excited smirk gracing his features.

The sight soured Jake's mood further, and he finished off his beer quickly to replace it with another. "She was a brat. I don't get all the hype."

"You don't get the hype? Her father is a genius. An absolute legend! What I wouldn't give to pick that man's brain," Josh remarked with his usual flourish of hands as he joined them.

"Then you should have done the interview," Jake muttered indignantly into his glass before taking another sip.

"Wish I could have, Jakey, but someone had to finish laying down those vocals. What I wouldn't give to be in the presence of such a film progeny." His face took on a look of whimsy as he began to daydream of the possibilities.

Another eye roll followed unconsciously. "You're overselling," Jake promised, irritation tinging his voice.

Suddenly, Josh's face lit up. His eyes widened, and every one of his perfectly aligned teeth slowly revealed as his lips drew back into a wide smile. "We should invite her to the show tomorrow," he announced as if he'd discovered a thought of pure brilliance. His head immediately started bobbing enthusiastically, and Jake knew to grow weary of the direction this was undoubtedly heading. "Yeah, we could have Aaron contact the magazine and extend an invitation—"

"No," Jake asserted, cutting his twins' stream of consciousness short. The last thing he wanted was another run-in with interview girl. Once was enough for one lifetime, as far as he was concerned.

Josh's face fell when his exuberant energy wasn't immediately matched.

"Don't be such a buzzkill, Jakey," Sam mocked from the living room.

"Yeah, Jakey. You're just afraid she'll like us more than you," Danny added, smacking Sam on the arm, causing the pair on the couch to break out in chuckles.

Josh threw his hands up in mock surrender. "Fine. Fine. I won't call Aaron. No one's allowed to have any fun around here," he remarked, backing out of the room with shoulders raised and head hung.

Great, now Jake looked like an asshole for the second time that day.

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