Always There Part Three

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You've been waiting for your loverWhen you'll discoverShe's always there

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You've been waiting for your lover
When you'll discover
She's always there

Alex was tilting away from tipsy towards drunk, and there was no doubt about it. However, the alcohol graciously flowing through her bloodstream had worked to blow the storm clouds in her mind away, leaving only clear skies behind.

In the hours since her introduction, she'd grown to accept that habitually talking over one another was a familial trait and not one exclusive to the brothers. The Kiszkas had been trying in vain to tell the story of a disagreement that caused Sam to break a ukulele over Jake's head, an argument no one could quite remember the details of, for the better part of twenty minutes. The endless interruptions and random inclusions had made the tale seem infinite, but Alex didn't find herself minding as she reclined comfortably against her boyfriend's chest at the end of the couch.

"What about you, Alex? Did you fight with your siblings?" Ronnie wondered from across the room.

The question was unexpected, and it took a moment to tumble around in Alex's hazy mind before she could catch it. "Oh, no—" She started before the expected cut-in came.

"She's an only child," Jake informed on her behalf, looking pleased with himself for saving her from at least one awkward, solo explanation that night.

How weird that concept would seem for them, growing up in a house bursting at the seams with children and the chaos they brought. The sentiment clearly rang true for Karen as well because her following comment echoed Alex's own thoughts. "That must have been lonely."

Was it? Alex hadn't really given her upbringing much thought until something else was before her to compare it to. "I don't know, maybe," she remarked in consideration. "But there were always people around, and I got to tag along with my dad while he worked." There was no mention of her dearly departed mother, so it seemed everyone knew enough not to tread into those murky waters.

"Can I tag along with your dad too?" Josh joked, shifting the conversation to more neutral ground. It appeared that meeting his cinematic idol hadn't been enough to quench his curiosity and that passion towards film, while reduced to a simmer, hadn't been entirely extinguished.

"Pretty sure you're too busy being a rockstar," Alex shot back with a baiting smirk. "But I could arrange another visit. I really enjoyed the public fawning last time." Or fangirling, either descriptor seemed appropriate for his cringe-worthy swooning of her father.

A roll of laughter rang through at Josh's expense, and he donned a face of annoyance before the discussion shifted to another topic once more.

As the noise around them faded into the background, Jake's chin came to rest upon her shoulder so he could whisper in her ear without being overheard. "You're doing great," he praised, arms around her middle tightening just a measure in support.

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