Highway Tune Part Two

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No going at the green light girlBecause I want to be with you now

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No going at the green light girl
Because I want to be with you now

"We need more fire!" Josh shouted maniacally, his hands outstretched as if he were worshiping the God of Incineration. The others scurried around, adding logs to the already impressive flames. They were like the Lost Boys of Neverland, intent to stay forever young.

Alex sipped her drink casually, safely tucked away in a lawn chair where she could watch the spectacle unfold. "If you burn the place down, I'm not helping you save it," she informed the would-be arsonists.

"Nah, we won't burn it down. We're professionals," Sam smirked, occupying the seat to her left. Their experience did not comfort her into truly trusting their expertise.

Seemingly satisfied with the breadth of their creation, the others settled around the fire as well, and a comfortable silence overtook them as they watched the wood crackle.

But, apparently, reveling in an extended silence wasn't the foursome's default setting.

"Hey, the article you wrote was really good," Danny offered generously, leaning forward in the chair to her right, that ever polite smile gracing his face.

"Made us sound downright distinguished," Josh added past a mouthful of margarita.

Alex hadn't actually expected them to read what she'd written about them, and the sudden attention of all four made her bashful. "Yeah, it required a lot of creative license on my part," she tried to deflect their compliments with humor.

A round of laughter followed, and she took the opportunity to push the attention away from herself. "Oh, and congrats on the Grammy win, by the way. Best Rock Album is huge."

Unexpectedly, a cascade of groans followed her congratulations. "Or not?" She questioned, confused by the lack of enthusiasm.

"Awards are gratuitous," Jake asserted from across the fire.

"Superfluous," Josh concurred with his twin.

Alex felt her eyes roll. "Well, I'm sorry you've been burdened with such an honor." They were undeniably a bizarre group of individuals. Who didn't care about winning a Grammy from an EP?

Sammy must have sensed her silent judgment because he jumped in to retract. "No, it's definitely a great honor. Awards just aren't a big deal to us." Nods of affirmation followed his simple assessment.

What that must be like, to not care about the adulation from one's peers. Probably very freeing, Alex assumed. Although, she knew she could never possess such apathy towards validation. She'd always craved it.

"Do you play any instruments?" The question itself would have caught Alex off guard, but coming from Jake, the surprise was twofold. He'd shown no interest in the back and forth she'd been participating in with his bandmates. Why jump in now?

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