A Change Is Gonna Come Part One

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And just like the river, babyI've been running ever since

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And just like the river, baby
I've been running ever since

"What do we have here?" The mirth in Josh's voice had Alex sitting up in attention.

After they'd vacated the bar in haste, hearing the looming buzz of an oncoming swarm of zealots threatening to descend upon their evening of anonymity, they'd made it back to the compound in an entirely different Uber.

Alex had been smart enough to jump in the back with Danny and Sam that time around. Providing some much-needed distance between herself and the long-haired twin, even if it meant she was cramped between the taller two.

Was it more uncomfortable physically? Sure, but the temporary security it provided to her mental and emotional well-being was invaluable.

However, those complacent conditions were bound for failure, as things had taken a real turn shortly thereafter.

Josh had traipsed through the front door and definitely proclaimed something to the effect of making her last night there worth remembering before producing shots.

Then, had it been Sammy who proposed they smoke a bowl? Sounded like a thing the bassist would do, but her memory had gone decidedly fuzzy after a few hits.

Alex hardly recalled relinquishing her cellphone and passcode to the frontman, but there he was, her phone in hand, looking elated. "What do we have here?"

She'd been sinking further into the couch cushions, letting the easing hum wash over her mind and body, but the comment had her form and consciousness snapping to attention with a clarity she couldn't quite fathom at the moment.

"Ah, shit," she lamented in anticipation of what he could have discovered on the device that would present him with such delight.

"Ah, shit is right," Josh concurred, a grin threatening to split his pretty face. "Who's ready to learn some things about Alex?" He jeered, reddened, mischievous eyes never trailing upward from the phone she now considered he might have stolen from her while in such a delicate state.

A round of cheers followed, which only encouraged a sense of dread to sink within her.

"Let's see what this sexy playlist is all about, shall we?" He looked far too pleased with his findings, like a cat who'd caught the canary.

Alex silently prayed that lightning would strike her down before the embarrassment could kill her, but, seeing as they were indoors, she settled for burying her head in her hands until a humiliating death claimed her.

"Fuck me," she grumbled, begging that the shuffle button would do her a service by landing them in shallow waters.

It decidedly did not.

The opening chords of 'Guitar Man' by Bread reverberated too loudly to have been from her meager phone speakers. At some point, that meddling asshole had acquired an aux cord, allowing her shame to be amplified in surround sound.

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