Talk On The Street

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Forgetting the endAs your new life has begun

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Forgetting the end
As your new life has begun

"This is so embarrassing," Alex complained, sliding further down in the passenger's seat in an effort to avoid being spotted through the window by potential onlookers.

Josh took a turn at full speed, not giving his breaks the courtesy of a phantom tap, and she almost slipped from the seat entirely. "Don't hate on the white rocket," he quipped, eyes never straying from the road. Although, his driving couldn't have been worse, even without the lack of focus. Who had given this man a driver's license anyway?

His affectionate and grotesque nickname for the abomination went uncommented on. "It should be a crime, strapping a truck bed on a perfectly good Jeep," her lip raised in disgust. She'd judged him for the purchase, obviously, but now he'd made her an accomplice in his crimes against humanity. "I should've just taken an Uber, would have been picked up by something more respectable."

Josh rolled his eyes but didn't bother defending himself. It was another thing for them to relentlessly tease him about, like his hair or his vocals. One more taunt he'd grow used to. Pulling into a parking spot, albeit crookedly, he killed the engine. "Would have ruined the surprise, though," he smarted before hopping out of the vehicle.

Fair enough, Alex thought. She'd been in New York for the better part of a week, and Josh had graciously agreed to pick her up from the airport when she'd caught an earlier flight back to LA. Despite the kindness, she couldn't pass up the opportunity to mock him mercilessly.

She trailed behind the unkempt mess of brown curls through various hallways until they reached the studio. Guitar riffs tickled her ears as soon as the door opened. Sam and Danny were sat around listening intently to Jake in the sound booth. Their heads reared at the unexpected sight of her. Danny stood and shouted, "you're back early!" Then, saddled her with benevolent a bear hug. Sam had followed suit, offering her an "ayyyy," followed by a high five. That left the man in front of the mixing board.

"Alex, meet our producer—" Josh began to make introductions, but it was all for not.

The man in the chair turned towards Alex, and she interrupted Josh's unnecessary initiation. "Hey, Greg. How's it going?" The huff, followed by a barely perceivable "of course," from Josh didn't go unnoticed. How quickly he forgot her experience and influence. After all, she'd been living this life a lot longer than they had.

"Can't complain, Alexandra. How's your dad?" The music producer abandoned the controls and offered her a quick hug of his own.

She let him settle back behind the board before answering. "He's good, working on the next project."

"I look forward to seeing it," Greg remarked easily. "Heard you were in New York. This lot wouldn't shut up about it." His fingers continued to fiddle with various channel strips as he nodded in their direction.

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