The New Day

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And your dreams are not forgotten

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And your dreams are not forgotten

"We shouldn't be doing this," Alex panted, the contradiction coming on the stuttering breath of a whisper. Her head shook, too, in dispute, thrown back amongst the satin sheets that had bunched beneath her writhing body.

With her complaint came the hum of a shush from him, the silencing consonants rippling across the valley of her breasts, making her grasp the hair haloing his head to keep him there, locked in place, even as his lips ghosting over her skin rose goosebumps in their wake.

How had they gotten here? She couldn't remember. Everything before was lost behind a blacked splotch in her memory. But, now, all that seemed to matter was his tongue darting out to lap at her sensitive flesh, which he then teased by blowing gently upon the trail he'd made, cooling the saliva left behind, so it made her shiver.

"We really can't," she whimpered, another attempt to stop his mouth wandering further south that went utterly ignored, especially when the whimper deepened to a moan as his lips dragged along the expanse of her collarbone.

He didn't respond, not with words anyway, but replied by biting at her hips. First the right, then the left, leaving purple marks marring the raised skin and bone with evidence of their mistake. It was the only warning she would receive, stating that none of her arguments would delay the inevitable, and it was one that had her back arching off the bed until she nearly folded in half.

When his soft hands slid up her inner thighs to coax them firmly apart, a lusty 'please' fell from her slackened lips. Please stop or please continue? Alex didn't know the true intention behind the beg because the remainder of the plea had gotten lodged in her throat around the time his warm breath caressed her exposed heat, rendering any further speech impossible.

His thumbs continued to rub patterns so dangerously close to her center, over the juncture of her legs, but he didn't move. He just waited patiently, and it made her feel unbelievably exposed under his tentative eyes.

"I need to hear you say it, Alex."

She'd memorized those words, had them etched on the walls of her mind forever, never to be forgotten, but they sounded wrong now, warped in a disjointed way.

Actually, all of it felt warped and disjointed, she realized, even beyond the already stated wrongness.

The words weren't right. The hands weren't right. The hair wasn't-

In time with the thought, Alex tugged on the strands woven between her fingers until the head they belonged to was released from the apex of her thighs. Where her eyes had been sealed shut earlier against the onslaught of sensations, they were wide open now.

He rose up her body slowly, and with each easy kiss dropped during his ascent, the accompanying scratch itched a corner of her subconscious until it felt raw.

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