Edge Of Darkness Part Two

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Always searching for loveAlways searching for light

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Always searching for love
Always searching for light

Jake knew he was playing with fire, but wasn't that kind of their thing? All manner of mischief and mayhem called to the bandmates' childlike nature.

It seemed there was no point in denying the impulse now.

He'd been intentionally toying with her since the morning's conversation, pushing the boundaries to see exactly where they lay. Yet, he still hadn't managed to map her out completely.

Alexandra Becker was something, but precisely what that something was hadn't been decided yet. Maybe a challenge, maybe a friend, or, perhaps, another thing entirely.

With his fingers skimming along the back of her shirt, he had every intention of figuring it out.

The way she tensed under his touch was obvious, shoulders stiffening in surprise at the closeness, the barely discernible exhale leaving her mouth. A measure of satisfaction swelled in his chest at the apparent effect this proximity had.

"Here, let me show you how it's done," he simpered, sliding past her to retrieve the awaiting axe, but not before drawing out the persistent contact. The pads of his fingers pressed into her hip a fraction more before releasing.

She stood stark still, waiting. Her figure not having relaxed a bit upon his return, shoulders still tight and eyes slanted in suspicion, no doubt wary of his intentions.

"Take it like this," Jake instructed, positioning himself behind her, slipping the item into her open palm.

Was it cliché, the guy showing a girl how to play at the bar? Yes. Was he standing a bit too close to deem their interaction strictly friendly? Also, yes.

But did he care? Unequivocally, no.

"What're you doing?" Alex whispered harshly as he manipulated her grip and adjusted her arm. Again, allowing the contingence to linger longer than necessary as fingers wrapped around the bare skin.

The exhale through his nose indicated an impulse to laugh outwardly at her apparent discomfort. "Teaching you how to throw," he posted with false innocence.

"You're full of shit," she argued, clearly unconvinced by his jovial justification. Her head turned to inspect him, eyes bouncing around his countenance for some indication towards his aim. The action brought their faces close enough to feel the gentle brush of air passing from the other's lips.

Jake smiled slyly, the edges of his mouth pulling upward slightly. "Maybe. Throw it."

Alex did as she was told without hesitation.

The words 'good girl' were on the tip of his tongue, but, despite his impetuous leanings, even Jake knew that would be pushing too far. So, he bit back the urge while his eyes slid from her profile to watch the axe imbed itself just left of the bullseye.

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