Age Of Man Part Two

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And as we came into the clearTo find ourselves where we are here

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And as we came into the clear
To find ourselves where we are here

The three Kiszka brothers sat uncomfortably smooshed together on the couch while Danny teetered on the armrest, his long legs stretched out before him. Alex looked marginally more relaxed in Indian style upon the floor, as she flipped through her notes while they quietly waited on her for a change.

She decided to throw them a slow ball right down the center as a show of good faith. "Who would you say spends the most time on their hair?"

Sam let out a bark of laughter, and the tension was broken.

Immediately fingers started pointing, and accusations began flying.

"Josh!" Sam answered instantly.

"Of course it's Josh," Jake backed him up.

"No, no. Liars, all of you!" Josh vehemently argued.

"It's definitely not me," Danny shrugged.

They were talking so quickly and loudly over one another that Alex was getting whiplash just trying to follow along. Their poor, poor parents, she lamented.

"Alright, alright," she shouted to quiet them back down. Eventually, the volume settled, but not without a few shoves shared back and forth between the boys. "So, it's definitely Josh. Next question." A huff sounded from the oldest Kiszka, but it went ignored.

Alex steeled herself before the next question. If she was going to give Matt something 'worth reading,' she couldn't rest on fluff. It was time to bring out the heavy hitters. "When all is said and done. When your music career is over, what would you like your legacy to be?" The boys glanced between each other, silently determining who would take the lead.

It appeared to be Josh, as he shuffled forward in his seat slightly and began playing with his chin, same as his twin did when searching for the right words. "To hell with legacy, as long as the world's a better place when I'm done."

Alex's head tilted as she considered him. "That's profound."

Josh chuckled almost...bashfully? Like he was slightly embarrassed by the compliment. "Well, I do try," he deflected with humor.

Taking the hint, she moved to the next question on the list. "What's your favorite thing about the rock 'n' roll genre?"

Danny jumped in instantly. "Rock 'n' roll is more than just a genre—it's a lifestyle. "The others bobbed their heads along in agreement. It was mesmerizing to watch their long hair collectively sway along with the movement.

Not the time to fangirl, Alex! She reprimanded herself before continuing. "Fair enough. So, why do you think there was such a diversion from the genus for so long, then?"

Another pregnant pause followed before Sam cleared his throat and spoke. "People ignore good music because it takes a little extra brainpower to listen to, but it's so much more rewarding."

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