When The Curtain Falls Part Two

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You know I'm your biggest fanI saw your picture and it's the best

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You know I'm your biggest fan
I saw your picture and it's the best

"Your house is...stupendous," Josh muttered, sounding breathless as his eyes took in the impressive sight of her childhood home for the first time.

Alex was already having second thoughts in regards to having them over. "It's my father's home, and you can call it what it is, ostentatious," she grumbled, feeling a measure of embarrassment at how pretentious the whole display must make her seem.

Regardless, she ushered them inside, where the massive halls did nothing but make her feel smaller. "You should wait in the living room while I fetch him. It's probably best not to spring you on him all at once," Alex suggested, knowing her father was probably confined to his study, working away.

"What's wrong with me?" Josh asked in mock offense.

She gave him a skeptical once over. "You can be a bit much," she confessed. Whether she meant him specifically or the whole lot of them seemed inconsequential at the moment.

"You wound me, darling," he exclaimed in false reproach, effectively clutching his pearls.

Alex rolled her eyes at the act. "And that's what I'm talking about. Now, go make yourself comfortable, and I'll be back," she concluded, shooing him off towards the oversized lounge.

Walking the familiar path to her father's office, she tried to imagine her surroundings as the boys would. Every structure was enormous yet felt so empty. The numerous hallways leading to rooms hardly touched by anyone except the maids.

Alex hadn't thought much of it as a child, just accepted her circumstances as they were. Back then, there had been extravagant parties thrown. Extensive collections of recognizable faces from art, film, and music, all toiling about. That was when the space had felt fullest, but much of that exorbitance had died off with her mother.

Now, it was just a large shell full of nothing but memories.

Alex gently tapped on the wooden door before entering. As expected, her father was seated hunched over his desk, fiddling away with papers pertaining to his newest project.

"Hey, dad," she announced her presence, stepping into the bright room filled with various film accoutrements and memorabilia.

Despite her earlier knocking, he seemed surprised by her intrusion. "Oh, hello, sweetheart. I wasn't expecting you," Robert Becker announced happily, setting his work aside to swivel his chair towards her.

"I'm sorry. It was a sort of spur-of-the-moment visit," she admitted, downplaying her day's reckless decision-making.

He pulled himself up from the chair to place a kiss on the apple of her cheek. "Nonetheless, it is delightful to have you home."

Alex found herself cringing a bit guiltily at his cheer.

She'd moved out, to an apartment in the city, because she was an adult, and that's what adults did, but she'd left him alone in a vacant home.

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