The Cold Wind Part Two

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This wicked shiver, chills me down to my soul, oh

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This wicked shiver, chills me down to my soul, oh

"Jake." Alex panted his name like a prayer, her hands fisted in the bedsheets, gripping the linen till her knuckles turned white, hoping they would ground her.

His battered breaths hit her ear, rolling across her cheek, inducing goosebumps to rise in their ripping wake. They were lying on their sides as Jake continued lazily pounding into her from behind, his bruising grip on her hip leveraging them together lustfully. His other palm pawed at her breast, rolling the pert nipple between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a gasp.

"Are you close?" He groaned, the question muffled with his mouth buried amongst her hair. Alex could only nod in agreement. No words beyond his name, and the pulsing pleasure his movements were spurring, could penetrate her whirling mind.

Jake's hand abandoned her breast, traveling down the flat planes of her stomach to reach the crease of her thighs. Alex quivered when he applied pressure to her already sensitive clit. His rhythm never diminished as he worked his fingers to bring forth her high.

He fucked like he played, every tremble in time, every slide and flick making her moans into music.

"I'm —Jake," Alex whimpered one last time and withered around him. His pace held, prolonging her ecstasy before his last few pumps stuttered, and he stilled with a grunt.

They stayed like that, still adjoined, bathing in the afterglow, for some time. La petite mort, the little-death that left her flesh blushed and buzzing. The same sentiment from days prior sat at the tip of her tongue once more, ever-persistent in its presence, but she swallowed it in silence.

Now wasn't the time for untimely truths when Jake was pressing soft kisses to her hairline, her temple, her cheek, her jaw, and her neck while still nestled safely inside her.

He pulled her into him further, molding them together like two halves of a whole, turning her head gently to capture her in a decidedly dizzying kiss.

Alex never wanted to leave, didn't dare move to break the reverie, but the time had to come eventually. Jake must have known it, too, because he pulled away from her lips slowly. "I need to shower," he announced before dipping down to claim her mouth again. "You should join me."

His husky voice and the insinuation made her shiver in anticipation. Maybe two rounds wouldn't be too many. The need she felt for him was incessant, ceaseless and Alex often wondered how she'd ever denied it, denied him, at all. "Go ahead, I'll join you in a minute," she answered, needing time for the feeling to flood back to her limbs.

Jake smirked and threw the covers off them, chuckling when she flinched as the cold air hit her exposed fame. "Don't be too long," he demanded, vaulting over her till his feet hit the floor. She swatted his bare ass as he traipsed away, earning a cheeky smile tossed over his shoulder.

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