Safari Song Part One

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See mama every time that you are nearIt's when your gonna fearYou're never gonna come back home

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See mama every time that you are near
It's when your gonna fear
You're never gonna come back home

Alex did the only logical thing she could think of—she booked it out of there like her ass was on fire. Not chancing so much as a glance back at Jake while she hightailed it to the safety of the patio.

She was too drunk to process whatever the fuck had just occurred, or nearly occurred, back in the hallway. And, she'd rather piss in the woods than risk treading back into those uncertain waters.

'Nothing happened, just be cool,' she chastised herself, but the rapid beating of her heart wasn't accepting the command for composure. 'Do not freak out. Don't do it.'

The empty words did nothing to placate her racing thoughts.

Alex didn't remember slamming the sliding door with such force, but the resounding clash made her flinch. Three pairs of eyes snapped towards the noise.

"You good?" Danny questioned, noting her jumpy demeanor. She must have looked like she'd seen a ghost. The ghost of horrid decisions, maybe.

Striding across the deck, Alex claimed the tequila bottle, flicking the cap off haphazardly so that it clattered across the wooden boards to disappear forever. "I'm so good," she announced before chugging what remained.

Her words and actions were in direct opposition. Still, she couldn't be bothered with presenting another false pretense—anything to chase away the imposing voices telling her to analyze the moments prior.

But, Alex simply wanted to strike all memory of the events between when she'd entered the house and when she'd fled it. Of course he had a girlfriend. She was such an idiot.

"Hey, Jake, Alex invited us to meet her dad," Sam informed.

The bottle stilled on her lips. She hadn't heard him slide back through the door, but now she could feel his lingering presence behind her. The skin on her back tingled as she sensed his eyes rank over her form.

"Cool," was the only response he offered before heading back to the chair he'd previously occupied. Alex resented his ability to appear so poised while she was extensively losing a battle with stability.

Josh's voice chaperoned her back to reality. "When do you think we'll be able to meet him?"

Alex blinked several times to clear the fog from her mind. What was he asking her about? Oh, right, she'd promised they could meet her director father. She never would have extended the invitation if she'd known what she knew now. Hindsight was a bitch.

"I'll have to get back to you on that," she assured, sitting back down slowly.

Now that was a bald-faced lie. After tonight, Alex had every intention of ditching them the same way she had the night of the concert.

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