When The Curtain Falls Part Three

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What can I say, you've got it allYou're a one woman show

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What can I say, you've got it all
You're a one woman show

"Holy ssshhhhiitttt," Sam exclaimed, drawing out the curse in stun.

Silence, blissful subdue sank over the group crowded in the entryway before the boys all surged inward, bounding excitedly like kids in a candy store.

"It's that a Musa?" Danny questioned, baffled as he gestured towards the drum set perched in the corner.

Alex laughed at his bewilderment and nodded. "It is. Why don't you go try it out?" She suggested, watching him stumble off in a daze.

"No fucking way you have a Steinway & Sons," Sam balked, halting before the chestnut Model Z, hesitant to touch it after his earlier chiding.

Alex bit her lip, trying not to chuckle at his silent bid for permission. "It's the one John Lennon used to play," she revealed, far too casually for the significance such a piece held.

His jaw dropped open, and he stutterer stepped backward from the sheer force of the realization.

That, she did expel a hearty laugh at. "You are all welcome to touch, but do try not to break anything," she informed the foursome.

They didn't have to be told twice, and she simply watched on as they attached themselves to some illustrious piece of equipment and began playing with a ginger gentility.

"You know, we've played stages smaller than this room," Josh remarked, saddling up at her side. "Makes you think, doesn't it?" He looked lost in the reverie.

Alex rolled her head towards him in consideration. "Does it make you think differently of me?" She wondered, insecurity seeping through the careful inquiry.

He appeared surprised by the question, eyebrows rising to meet his curly fringe. "Nah," he assured, his mouth drawing back into a sincere smile. "You're still a brat. Albeit, one we now know has more money than god, apparently."

She sucked her teeth and shoved him sportively. "How reassuring," she scoffed.

"Ah, come now. You know we love you," he guaranteed, throwing a supportive arm over her shoulder, drawing her into his side. "Some of us more than others," he taunted with a whisper in her ear.

Alex groaned in agitation. "You're insufferable," she scorned, taking off towards Sam, allowing Josh's forsaken arm to fall from her person as she fled.

Toying with the keys, Sam's fingers produced a melody that sounded suspiciously like 'Imagine' when she plopped down beside him on the bench.

"Your brother is being annoying," she grumbled, both their eyes remaining trained on his deft fingers as they danced across the black and white.

His shoulders jumped with the key change. "Which one?" He returned absentmindedly.

Her head bobbed side to side in contemplation. "Both, honestly."

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