Brave New World Part Two

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Kill fear, the power of liesFor we will not be hypnotized

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Kill fear, the power of lies
For we will not be hypnotized

The car windows were fogged with a thin layer of condensation obstructing the view from both inside and out. It was caused not from the lowering temperature outside but from the rising heat inside.

Alex pulled Jake's bottom lip between her own, and it didn't matter that her right knee was in the cup holder or her left leg was jammed between the door and the seat because it still felt like coming home.

"You're right," she breathed, pulling away for his kiss briefly. "I fucking love you. I should have just said it that day at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum." That seemed like a lifetime ago, back when her only concern had been his fawning fans verbally accosting her at their concerts.

None of that mattered now, not anymore.

She needed to touch him, feel every part of him. It had been too long, and she couldn't wait any longer. Alex began working the buttons on his shirt, growing impatient when one got caught on a seam beneath her shaky fingers.

"Yeah, probably," Jake grunted, drawing her further into him, creating friction where their jean-clad centers met.

But it was too late to go back and alter the past. All they could do now was focus on the moment they found themselves in—teetering seriously close to semi-public car sex.

She had managed to undo the few he had bothered to button up and slid the material from his shoulders, throwing the article into the driver's side seat. His skin was tanner from springtime, and she splayed her hands across his bare chest, smirking when he shivered under them.

"Are we really doing this?" Jake asked through a shuddered breath as she began kissing down his neck. The glove box was digging into her lower back, but she couldn't recognize the uncomfortable posture while his fingers were weaving into her hair, gently tugging at the roots.

Alex ground their hips together to indicate the affirmative, and he groaned—music to her ears.

Then, a sharp slap sounded against the window, and they both froze.

She sat up straight, not missing the way Jake's hand squeezed at her hip with the shift, and they eyed each other apprehensively. Beyond the fogged glass was a muddled, darkened figure.

Great, they were about to be busted in a compromising position by security—like two horny teenagers on a joy ride.

The reality was far worse.

Rhythmic tapping began to reverberate from the car door, followed by, "Jake? Alex? What are you two doing in there?"

Fucking Josh! He had the absolute worst timing, and his barking laughter wasn't helping the embarrassment burning both their cheeks.

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