Always There Part Four

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Stay a while in your slumberTumble underAnd never wake

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Stay a while in your slumber
Tumble under
And never wake

Over the moon was a bit hyperbolic, but Jake was pretty fucking pleased with how swimmingly things were going. He tried to contain the smile that was always two seconds away from blooming across his face because Sam was already being shitty, and Josh would just make fun of him, but the facade was fading.

Playing had warmed his fingers and relaxed his muscles, but there was a different sort of heat tugging at his heartstrings that couldn't be attributed to the music or his family's company.

By some minor miracle, his mother had led the couple to their shared bedroom with only one awkward warning about the walls being thin before they were left alone for the first time that night. Alex walked the room slowly, eyes absorbing each poster plastered across the wall and every knickknack on the shelves like she was exploring a museum dedicated to his life.

"Not as emo as I would've imagined," she remarked, plopping down onto his twin-sized mattress that would be a much tighter squeeze than the one they shared at home. "Which drawer did you hide the eyeliner in? I think I forgot mine back in Nashville," she teased, but the sight of her looking so at ease amongst his old soccer trophies and outdated wardrobe allowed the taunt to slide easily off his shoulders.

He took the vacant spot beside her, wandering hand sliding along her denim-covered thigh until it stilled below her rib cage, where it squeezed suggestively. "Would that do it for you, a little guyliner?" He questioned with eyes that smoldered, observing with fascination as a slight tremor racked her body from the insinuation.

The day had gone well, he was hoping the night would end even better, but there was a hesitation warping her features that implied it wouldn't. "Hold your horses, buddy," she laughed while lightly pushing against his chest, creating room where he aimed to reduce it. "There's, uh, actually something I need to talk to you about," she said in a cringing murmur that caused him to pull away.

"Uh oh," Jake voiced in mock concern, shuffling back against the headboard to provide the space she'd been subtly angling for. "You hate talking about things. I was starting to think you had a clinical aversion to it."

The comment earned him a petulant look, but with the absence of his warm caresses to distract her, Alex stood again and began pacing the floor, his pupils intently tracking her anxious movements. "You said something the other week that, um, we should probably discuss...maybe? I don't know. I guess. Actually, yeah." Never in all the time he'd known her had she stumbled over her words in such an embarrassing fashion. It had a delighted twinkle brightening Jake's eyes, reveling in the disparity displayed before him.

"What was it I said?" The sly smirk pulling at the corners of his lips told her he knew exactly what she was referencing, but ever stubborn, he liked to feign ignorance just to throw her off balance—loved to watch her squirm under the weight of sincerity.

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